posted on 6/1/12 at 12:39 AM |
odyssey pc680 vs pc925
Had to replace the pc680, as it was not holding a charge anymore (4 years of fooling around with the car, and two weeks' driving). The battery
shop recommended going to the much bigger, and more expensive pc925, which I did. Now I am seeing just how small and convenient the old one was. Was
the pc925 a waste of extra money?
[Edited on 6/1/12 by RK]
posted on 6/1/12 at 02:33 AM |
Not a waste of money as you have an excellent battery that will more than cope with your needs. I have a PC545 which is fine after three and half
years on a tuned zetec. But I do 5000+ all year round which probably keeps the battery healthy. You probably didn't need the bigger battery,
just to use it or keep it on a conditioner.
[Edited on 6/1/12 by Dusty]
posted on 6/1/12 at 04:00 PM |
The pc680 is plenty. Mine used to start an old xflow now starts a 2.0l Vauxhall no problem. With these batteries you need a battery
charger/conditioner if it's laid up for any length of time because they don't like being left flat/low charge.
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