savage starter wiring for NewB
hello to all !
I hope you all dont mind me jumping in, I have a beach buggy, but each time I have looked for an answer to a question on google it always seems to
come up with a post from this forum, so I thought I would join in the hope someone may be able to help in any way.
so here goes, Im a complete newB when it comes to cars and electrics, to many days spent on radio control planes etc.
when I bought the buggy it had a combined toggle switch for the ignition and the start.
I wanted to split the two, a toggle for just the ignition, and the large savage Start switch to start the buggy,
trouble is I havent got a clue what wire goes where and to what pins.
would some one have the time to explain step by step what goes where and to what pins and I can try and work it out from there,
I know this may be hard not seeing my wiring, but I would very much appreciate anyone taking the time to explain.
many thanks for any help anyone can give.
pic of my buggy below.