posted on 20/10/12 at 11:12 PM |
WTB DigiDash2 Lite problem
I had the Water Temp read a very high Celsius temp (149 !!!) today (when the car started, it quickly rose to 90 and kept climbing). This must be a
confusion in the DigiDash, which is set to read out Celsius, but is actually Fahrenheit. I am now afraid to run my car, if it is anywhere near 149
celsius, where it settled after a while. I connected a laptop to the DigiDash to confirm it was set to read out in Celsius.
Anybody else had this issue? I am going to install an analogue water temp gauge beside the boost gauge on the dashboard just to keep a better eye on
this, since the SR20DET has a reputation for overheating, and it is obvious that the DigiDash is not user friendly for this parameter.
I changed my coolant thermostat just to be sure it wasn't really going to rise to insane temps. My fan is operational, which I turned on
manually when temps got to what read as 100.
Thanks again, people.
posted on 20/10/12 at 11:22 PM |
Sensor could have gone tits up, or just a dodgy connection/earth
Cheers Austen
RGB car number 9
posted on 21/10/12 at 01:07 AM |
Well, if the sensor was the problem, I would expect the temp would not rise relatively normally, rather randomly. Of course, if I knew, I
wouldn't be on here grovelling for help!
Otherwise, my car runs great, and goes like a bat out of hell.
posted on 21/10/12 at 06:58 AM |
I know a guy who did 3 engines before he found out the temp sensor was reading 30degs low. Changed sensor and readings were correct
Cheers Austen
RGB car number 9
daniel mason
posted on 21/10/12 at 10:25 AM |
do you have the etb coolant and oil temp sensors? and are they the same thread? if so can you swap them over and see if the problem is there?
posted on 21/10/12 at 02:14 PM |
I knew someone would mention this... The ETB sensor has different threads to Nissan, and needs an adaptor for the head, or one for the coolant hose,
in order to make it fit the engine.
I am not 100% sure what sensor is there, because I have not talked to the guy who did the recent engine install for me. But this is probably the
underlying problem. I have probably lost the ETB sensor because this is the 3rd engine in a year, and I can't find anything anymore in the
Thank you Mr Mason and others too. I will keep the collective informed. There is still a week or two of driving before the snow hits. R888's
might not be very good in the snow.
daniel mason
posted on 21/10/12 at 02:21 PM |
i know andy bates from ab performance is selling a brand new digi dash pro with all sensors and data logger for a good price.not sure of your budget
but would it be possible to buy that one and sell yours