posted on 24/3/13 at 04:14 PM |
turning 3 phase motor to single phase
hi we have just bought a car lift (bradley car lift) its 3 phase we don't have 3 phase where we are can we put a single phase motor onto it if
so how do we go about wiring it up also there is only one pipe to the ram so does the single phase motor have to be reversible, also we would like to
buy some free wheel bars wheres the best place for them any information would be greatly received thank you danny
six mad
posted on 24/3/13 at 04:29 PM |
Depends on the size of the motor but one of these may work out cheaper.
Single to 3 Phase inverter 1.5kw / 2HP LATHE,MILL DRILL,GRINDER,SAW | eBay
mark chandler
posted on 24/3/13 at 04:52 PM |
I recently did exactly the same thing with a two post lift, tried making up the third phase with capacitors which got it moving with insufficient
power to lift the car so put on a single to three phase convertor which if anything was worse
My experience then is forget trying to get this heavy initial load running and spend the money on a single phase motor.
I got a 4hp motor off eBay for just under £200 new.
3.0 KW, 4 HP Single Phase Electric Motor 240V 1400 RPM 3KW/4HP 4 Pole 3000W | eBay
You will need to play around with the relays as not as simple as a reversing two wires, on mine I also had to reduce the shaft diameter down from 28mm
to suit my pulleys, I bolted my new motor to the lathe bed, ran it up and used the cutting tool working the other way, saved dismantling
Works a treat now.
Regards Mark
mark chandler
posted on 24/3/13 at 05:02 PM |
Mine had screw lifts, not sure with a hydraulic if you just pump up the ram and control release or pump up/down?
My zippo had three large relays.
Each relay had three high current makes and one break, so you wire to ensure that if the supply and up are energised the feed for the down is broken
and vice versa, it then had additional make/brakes on the buttons where you repeat this logic. The safety switches allying with the logic above so if
going over height it breaks the up energise relay, same for too far down.
I ripped all the three phase wiring out, broke out pen and paper and drew out the new circuit and wired up, it's not hard but is confusing to do
just by looking at it so you need a diagram.
Regards Mark
John P
posted on 24/3/13 at 05:05 PM |
I used to run a company supplying electric motors and inverter drives.
For a disabled lift application we supplied a 2.2 Kw 3-Phase Motor and a "NordAC" inverter which ran from a normal 13 amp single phase
supply. The 3-phase motor being more reliable than single phase.
Many inverters have a torque boost feature which we used to increase torque to get the disabled lift rising.
You can find details of the NordAC drives at
Their UK operation used to be at:
Nord Gear Ltd (UK)
11 Barton Lane
Abingdon Science Park
OX14 3NB
Telephone 01235 534404
Not sure about costs now though.
posted on 24/3/13 at 06:52 PM |
3 phase converters are wonderful period. Only one warning they are sophisticated electronic devices these days and specifically do not like dusty or
damp environments. They warn of such in the manuals. I have one but it is in a sealed box with a filter and a fan for company.
Changing the motor in a Bradbery is ok but you have to change the drive coupling and machine a different motor mount unless you are very lucky.
I have done both, I have a 3 phase converter on my Meddings 2HP drill (one adavntage of modern 3 phase converters is you can vary the speed). I have
a 2HP 4 pole single phase from Machine mart moror conversion on my Bradbery.
Best of luck