posted on 30/3/13 at 11:28 AM |
Wosp starter switch relay
Hi All.
still having issues with my pinto starter. Stripped it down and cleaned contacts etc , works fine on bench soon as its back on the car just clicks,
have bypassed ign switch and used the existing wiring , still no good , use new wires direct from the battery and fine, so have decided to rewire it
using a push switch. I have found a push button on Ebay that is rated at 25amp, not so good on the electrics theory , so could some one tell me if I
should wire it through a relay , as it will bypass all of the other car electrics, should I fit a fuse ( think I should ) if so what size please. I am
using a wasp 1.0 kw, push button link below.
Push Button Starter Switch - Stainless Steel - 25 Amp (GE339) | eBay
posted on 30/3/13 at 11:48 AM |
Before we all dive in and post stuff, can I just clarify something , so we know where we are on this.
you state " still having issues with my pinto starter" - is this your motor or the soleniod ?
I have suggestions for your switch, but need to know what you mean by "pinto starter" first. And is it the starter with a piggybacked
solenoid ( as opposed to a separate one)
[Edited on 30/3/13 by Westy1994]
posted on 30/3/13 at 01:16 PM |
Thanks for your reply.
I am referring to Wosp starter motor with the piggy backed solenoid. I have stripped and cleaned the starter motor and the Solenoid, bench tested
and it is working fine on the bench. So the issue to me is something to do with the existing switch or wiring. I have also checked the earth.
I have decided to move to a push button and wire it direct to the starter motor, ( or should I say solenoid ) there fore by passing all existing
wiring. Hopes this makes it a bit clearer.
posted on 30/3/13 at 01:34 PM |
It does yes, thankyou. The switch you propose to use is a decent one, its classed as a vandal resistant switch from memory and is splashproof, I used
those a lot on outside intercom systems for flats etc etc...
Anyway, it does sound like there is an issue with the wiring as you have found out, I guess you don't need help in the wiring up of it, as you
seem to know what you're doing. But you can test by fitting the switch and before you hard wire it all up just take loose tails to the solenoid
terms to test , if that fails then there is still an issue with the starter/ solenoid package.
<<< May be handy to put a rough location in your profile <<<, if you were local I would have taken a trip over to help you.
[Edited on 30/3/13 by Westy1994]
posted on 30/3/13 at 05:57 PM |
Thanks for the reply. Are you able to confirm if I should use a relay with this switch and an in line fuse, if so what size fuse should I fit. Iam
fine with the general bits and soldering etc but not so good on the theory.
posted on 30/3/13 at 06:05 PM |
No, you don't need a relay, since the solenoid is the relay in this instance, and I can't see a solenoid using 25 amps via it's
primary windings.. The switched side of the solenoid will, but then you knew that. As for a fuse then use what you would normally use in a
'key' based start switch, ie Ignition switched positive supply, this will be fused elsewhere, but if not fit a fuse of enough value to
protect the cables they supply, fuses are for wiring not the device they protect generally speaking.
posted on 30/3/13 at 06:27 PM |
Cheers , thanks for all the help.