steve m
posted on 3/7/13 at 10:05 AM |
Mermaid boarding in a bathroom question
Hi All
We are planning on a new bathroom, as ours looks like something from 1973, and in champagne colour, yuk
One thing i would like, is instead of tiles, and grout, is a flat boarding, and the name Mermaid, is the brand name, of the stuff ive looked at
Has anyone fitted this stuff themselves, and are you happy with it?
Is it as straight forward as laminate flooring?
any other questions i should be asking ?
Thats was probably spelt wrong, or had some grammer, that the "grammer police have to have a moan at
posted on 3/7/13 at 10:16 AM |
I've just done this and rather than using the tongue and groove stuff I found another supplier that sells 1M x 2M glossy panels, so very few
options for leaks. Let me know if you need a link. I think they were £50 each.
steve m
posted on 3/7/13 at 10:29 AM |
Could you send me the link, please? as that was what i was after to start with, as anything with a join, could leak
Thats was probably spelt wrong, or had some grammer, that the "grammer police have to have a moan at
posted on 3/7/13 at 11:28 AM |
My concerns would be...
1. The long term durability/looks - I assume it's some sort of plastic material, in which case it will scratch and dull over time.
2. How adjacent are joined - from what I've seen there's usually a joining/cover strip, which IMHO doesn't look great.
posted on 3/7/13 at 11:35 AM |
I have fitted the T&G stuff not mermaid but another brand. Goes up well, it is on 10mm ply, and so is stiff enough to bridge gaps. It is
waterproof, and comes in loads of colours,...
I like the end result, but I didn't like the price,.. £100 per 8x4,...
I shall look for the brand name,.. made in scotland - called Multipanel
[Edited on 3/7/13 by HowardB]
Fisher Fury was 2000 Zetec - now a 1600 (it Lives again and goes zoom)
posted on 3/7/13 at 06:59 PM |
The ones I used were called "Bathroom Wall Cladding - PVC Shower Wall Panels"
The seller is still active :
Still looks great six months on, who knows how it'll look over time, but with our hard water it's a constant battle anyway, so slight
dulling isn't an issue.
posted on 3/7/13 at 08:29 PM |
I used the same stuff in our shower cubicle. This was about 8 years ago and it's still looks good, sealed well and if you use a window squeegee
after I shower it leaves no residue. I now you aren't intending in a shower but will need to be cleaned easily. Also offers some insulation
Ours was a small mosaic tile pattern.
posted on 3/7/13 at 09:04 PM |
Reading your post I thought you had a mermaid staying in your bathroom 'a la' splash
cheers Keith
posted on 3/7/13 at 09:34 PM |
quote: Originally posted by sky12042
if you use a window squeegee after I shower it leaves no residue.
I know we are a close community but I didnt realise we were that close!
posted on 3/7/13 at 09:44 PM |