Dick Axtell
posted on 22/3/16 at 01:06 PM |
Q - Starter Connections
And more advice sought, please. Apologies if this seems too simple, but I just want to confirm my "estimated" starter connections.
![](/galpreviews/ZETEC_Starter_02.jpg) ![New_Starter](/gallery/ZETEC_Starter_02.jpg) New_Starter
Here is my new starter, (which now clears the Westfield exhaust). On the solenoid, there are 3 connections. The larger terminal, arrowed in red, is
for the main supply from the battery, and also feeds back to the alternator main terminal. The spade terminal connects to the PWS loom blue/black
wire. The smaller threaded terminal, arrowed in blue, connects to what?
I reckon that it connects to the alternator field coils; is this correct? Please let me know if I've got it wrong.
Work-in-Progress: Changed to Zetec + T9. Still trying!!
posted on 22/3/16 at 01:25 PM |
Older Ford starters generally had 4 connections --- (1)&(2) the two obvious main starter in out, (3) the solenoid coil in and (4) the
ballast ressitor by-pass out.
If you check with a multi meter the ballast by-pass is isolated from all the other temminals and earth unless the solenoid is operated.
The solenoid winding generally has about 3 to 5 ohms resistance.
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posted on 22/3/16 at 02:23 PM |
Isnt that the signal from the key/starter button?
Mistral Motorsport
posted on 22/3/16 at 07:17 PM |
Whats the blue/black wire for?
How does power get to starter, is it from one of the two big connectors (other would go to battery)
If yes, then the small contact would be to ignition switch.
Easy to test. Disconnect battery from solenoid, put voltmeter set to resistance across fat contacts, touch 12 v to the third connector, resistance
should be zero as contacts close plus you should here it click.
If any doubt, consult manufactuer instruction.
posted on 22/3/16 at 07:41 PM |
it worries me that an object with only 3 wire connections is providing so much confusion to a "builder of a high performance cars"
large terminal connects to the battery.....
the smaller threaded terminal is for the ballast resistor bypass. (not needed on modern ignition systems generally)
spade terminal is for the starter excite wire......
sometimes you are the pigeon, most of the time the statue.