posted on 27/3/05 at 02:56 PM |
Circuit design software
I'm thinking about the electrical installation of my build. I intend to make my loom from scratch and whilst I have a basic grasp of things
electrical I thought it would be nice to be able to comfirm circuit designs using CAD.
Can anyone point me in the direction of a cheap/free package that will allow me to design a circuit and then test it on the computer graphically.
Thanks Mick
posted on 27/3/05 at 03:24 PM |
Hmm, we have a pretty decent piece of software for doing that in the DT centre in school and I think it's free (open source, like open office).
I'll try and find out what it is called for you.
posted on 27/3/05 at 04:39 PM |
you can get circitmaker 6 student for free from http://www.microcode.com/downloads/student.htm
also something called Crocodile clips but i think you have to pay for that.
I love speed :-P
posted on 27/3/05 at 09:24 PM |
you can get a free trial for 30 days i think of crocodile technolodys, but they do about 4 different onces, ie phyics chemistry electronics etc, they
are all very good, and you can model most things with the elctronices verson
p.s. try google for there website
Don't Steal
The Government doesn’t like the competition
Bob C
posted on 27/3/05 at 10:00 PM |
I've actually got a full pukka version of EDS2, several hundred quid's worth of software with schematic, simulator and PCB stuff, if you
want to make me an offer!! (I didn't like it & went for eagle instead for my home work)
The Farnell website describes the "electronics design suite" stuff as they fence it.
posted on 28/3/05 at 03:25 PM |
What you want, if you can get hold of a copy is
VeSys Design
The whole shooting match is based around vehicle harness design - although its not a freebie.
Murphy's 2 laws
1. If it can go wrong it will
2. In case of emergency - refer to rule 1.