posted on 6/4/05 at 07:27 PM |
Sierra Coloum Wiring
I am in the process of wiring our locost with our Sierra (H reg 1991 ) coloum and would like to check the wiring of the coloum switches as although I
checked them all when I took the Sierra loom apart, I still ended up with a few wires from the coloum switches that did not seem to change state when
the various switches are operated. Does anyone have a list of the various wires / numbers etc as I have seen for pre 87 models. We already intend to
use relays for the high power circuits as we have heard that the wires in the coloum will burn out.
posted on 7/4/05 at 03:48 PM |
You will need to buy the Sierra book, there aare many variants of the wiring and it can be a bit of a nightmare figuring them out.
You are correct when you say you must use relays, the switches are only rated at a very low current.
posted on 7/4/05 at 05:07 PM |
Cheers, have got the book but still a bit of a nightmare, as does not show clearly what happens inside emails. Have had a chat with Premier wiring
today and have an idea which circuits to put relays in, but would still welcome a list that shows the contact numbers on the back of the coloum
switches ( that I have written down ) and what circuits that go to control as I still have a few wires from the coloum switches that did not seem to
change state when the coloum switches are moved.
posted on 7/4/05 at 05:42 PM |
Get your magnifying glass out. The numbers are next to the pins on the switches and the page in front of the diagrams shows the internal connections
for each switch and the relays in the Haynes manual.
yours, Pete
I went into the RSPCA office the other day. It was so small you could hardly swing a cat in there.