posted on 22/6/05 at 09:44 AM |
megajolt comunication - no serial - help!!
hi one and all,
i built a megajolt unit a while a go for my zetec. i've finally got to the stage where i want to upload a map and see of the sensors are
affecting it in the right way. ive downloaded all the software and installed it.
problem: my laptop does not have a serial port. i bought a usb - serial cable with software to "replicate" a serial port. however, i still
cant comunicate with the megajolt on any of the com ports, no matter which usb port i choose (4 to choose from).
ive done all the testing with the unit powered so i dont think its that. i also cant seem to open the "comm.jar" java application on my
laptop as it " failes to load Main.class attribute from comm.jarr".
any suggestions? im not a computer ace and this is driving me nuts at the mokment; 2 days at work already written off!
please help!!!
thanks in advance
posted on 22/6/05 at 10:50 AM |
Have you tied searching/posting on the Megajolt forum?
Also, I'd borrow someone else's PC (with a serial port) so you can eliminate the USB issue as I would strightaway suspect this.
Having an extra variable in there is just asking for trouble IMO.
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses, behind the lines, in the gym and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights."
- Muhammad Ali
Jumpy Guy
posted on 22/6/05 at 12:11 PM |
if you cant get another laptop, then use the windows Hyperteminal tool to check if you have serial data from Tx.
basically, run the serial wire into some other desktop, and run hyperterminal on that port.
id also double check baud rate, parity etc.
posted on 22/6/05 at 12:15 PM |
have checked megajolt forum, but to little avail. will try desktop with serial, might help. want to get it running on my laptop though, dont fancy
lugging desktop around!
baud rate/parity? have no idea what these refer to, what should they be?
David Jenkins
posted on 22/6/05 at 12:27 PM |
quote: Originally posted by wheelsinsteadofhooves
baud rate/parity? have no idea what these refer to, what should they be?
These are very important!
Both ends must use the same baud rate (number of bits/second), parity (hard to explain - it's an automatic check that the data is valid),
protocols (whether software or hardware decides when to send data), and so on.
You don't need to know the deep and mysterious technicalities though - just make sure that the PC information matches what the Megajolt software
& hardware has been set up to expect... and only a megajolt owner can tell you that! Or the instructions, which should list this sort of info,
posted on 22/6/05 at 12:42 PM |
the USB thing can be eliminated wy?
because they always work great.
If you can confirm that it is installed correctly?
Windows Hardware administrator says you have a com1 or com2 etc..
then its up to the job..
also it cant be the baudrate settings etc. because they are set at both sides by the programs..
(don't bother the windows settings, they arent used)
yes i'm serious!
the problem will be in the java stuff that doesn't work.
dunno wich system you have and if you have alreadys ome java crap installed..??
but i for example have installed this:Java 2 Runtime Environment, v1.5.0_02-b09
this is the environment that is needed to be able to use the class files etc. etc..
it gets automaticly installed (you are asked to) if you surf to
www.formula1.com and if you get acces to the f1 live data pages..
but offcourse on the jave site there should be an link.
The above comments are always meant to be from the above persons perspective.
posted on 22/6/05 at 01:59 PM |
windows hardware manager? is this the device manager under "my computer - properties - hardware"?
no com ports reported there - where should i look?
many thanks for the help already, getting there slowly!
posted on 22/6/05 at 02:02 PM |
the usb serial could be your problem, i use a pcmcia card to serial adapter, as i had trouble with vagcom diagnostic software using usb.
posted on 22/6/05 at 02:04 PM |
ok, plugged it in again (forgot to check com ports with it in!! (bit slow today), and its giving com6, 7, 8 or 9 depending on which usb i have it in.
megajolt only allows com 1,2 or 3 (maybe 4, forget now), but def not 6-9.?
wheat to do?
also, installed the latest java from java.com so guessing its not that (cant find download on formual1.com, and site works fine.
posted on 22/6/05 at 02:49 PM |
latest developments - managed to change one of the com prts to com1. so far so good, but megajolt still not seeing as such??
posted on 22/6/05 at 03:24 PM |
Seem to remember a similar issue on the megajolt forum, try copying the comm.jar to the software installation direcory, if this doesnt work can you
get the laptop set up with internet acces? if so drop me a line of forum and i can probably help.
posted on 22/6/05 at 03:35 PM |
instalaion directory = folder where "mjljTune.2.0.3.jar" lives (in laymans terms? if not, where please?
everytime i click on comm.jar, no matter whwere it is, error message states "Failed to load Main-Class attribute from .....(comm.jar
location)". what is wrong?
posted on 22/6/05 at 04:33 PM |
Uninstall the drivers and software first.
Re-install the drivers before you connect any sockets/plugs - this is a popular fault with USB... (via serial).
You should find it picks up all the data/config's it needs and allows connection.
If it's not that I'd be surprised.
posted on 22/6/05 at 05:51 PM |
starting again as per suggestions. will let you know how i get on tomorrow.
posted on 22/6/05 at 07:33 PM |
If you search on the megajolt forum for pioneer x there is a download of a self installation package on his website.I downloaded it and it is a self
installing copy of the software and java together.
I have used it on a couple of pcs and it works every time.The pc must be running win 98 or later though .i am having a problem getting my old laptop
to run the software , but have made a 30ft serial lead and connect to the desktop at present .
There is a fair bit about using USB connections on the megajolt and megasquirt sites .
posted on 22/6/05 at 07:35 PM |
no! no! no!
thats a wasted time!
if in the hardware administrator states
6 7 8 9 or if you change to 1 2 3 4
it works
you have just an software/java problem..
upload the files you think you need and tell me the version of windows..
put an link down here with the download path..
then i can download install and then i tell you how..
wy do'n you use the windows software??
The above comments are always meant to be from the above persons perspective.