posted on 1/8/05 at 07:31 PM |
Sierra column wires
I'm up to wiring now
I have a premier loom and in the instructions I see no guide on the colours of wires from the actual sierra column, they don't match anything I
can see on the loom (my colomn is from a later DOHC sierra, No on the column starts with 90BG. I see 87s and 83s on the sheets everywhere)
Does anyone know of anywhere I can identify these? Websites etc. I would premier wiring but I'd honestly be on the phone for a year. Wiring
easily has to be the hardest part so far. I don't even know what electricity is, do you? Little planets in the wire isn't it.
Actually does any company offer a service to wire up kit cars? Seriously.
Spanks for any help
posted on 1/8/05 at 08:07 PM |
The wire colours might vary with year (?) but I had:
Red - permanent 12V
Yellow - instruments
Yellow/back - 12V when engine running
Blue/black - starter motor
The 83 and 87 (and 85, 86 and 87a) just denote the pins of relays - look at the wiring diagrams for individual components in the Haynes manual - you
should be able to match them up with the markings on the relay bases.
I really was not looking forward to the wriring, but in the end I really enjoyed it. One day it will all just click (in your head, hopefully)...
posted on 1/8/05 at 08:10 PM |
Thanks. Are those colours just the ignition? If so that's the only bit that I have actually done I mean lights, horn, indicators etc where
they connect from the column to the loom.
posted on 1/8/05 at 08:23 PM |
Ah, that's a bit more difficult. I dismantled a Sierra loom so I had the plugs and could just match the wire colours against the Haynes manual.
I may be able to do some sketches tomorrow night if necessary to match pins and wire colours. Might be worth a quick search of posts - I'm not
sure how to post a link but the thread Sierra Stalk Connections on 29/03/05 might cover what you need too.
posted on 1/8/05 at 09:00 PM |
as i remember, the horn is the two brown wires coming down from the wheel. The rest, i forget. I'll have a look at mine and get back to you
thats a link to the thread, didnt read it though
[Edited on 1/8/05 by JoelP]
posted on 1/8/05 at 09:05 PM |
I think you need to find the terminal numbers on the switch itself. It all becomes clearer then - you can ignore the colours.
posted on 1/8/05 at 09:09 PM |
Thanks for all the replies Hurry up morning...
posted on 2/8/05 at 01:10 AM |
Might be easiest if you take yourself off to a scrappy and find an earlier sierra. Pre 1987 the column switches have a ford part number moulded on
them starting 83 and the later ones, 1987 onwards have a part number starting 87. This would then tie in with the Premier wiring instructions much
easier. The internal connections and some of the numbering of pins is different between the two types. Haven't come across the 90 coded later
DOHC ones but the column switch internals and pin numbering shown in Haynes for 87-90 and 90 onward wiring diagrams looks identical. I would test wire
it according to the 87 switch instructions.
posted on 2/8/05 at 07:12 AM |
came across this site thats seems comprehensive ref wiring might help ya..
then go to the robin hood bit
posted on 2/8/05 at 07:32 AM |
I've mislaid my 87BG left stalk so Bob gave me a spare 90 that he had. It appears to be a direct swop as everything works fine.
Obviously this is too late for you but for anyone else who's about to buy a Premier loom: they will fit the column stalk connectors and ignition
connector for you if you send yours off to them!
This is well worth doing as it's a pain to do them yourself.
See if someone has any pictures of their wiring on their stalks- might be the easiest way. I'll try and remember to take some for you tonight if
you get no joy here.
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses, behind the lines, in the gym and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights."
- Muhammad Ali
posted on 2/8/05 at 09:15 AM |
We found a Mk2 Fiesta switch that was a straight swap and gave a stalk mounted horn push if you changed the wire over. The Sierra plugs fitted it.
yours, Pete
I went into the RSPCA office the other day. It was so small you could hardly swing a cat in there.
posted on 2/8/05 at 06:01 PM |
being a lazy shite and having heard that alan from premier would. if you sent him the plugs with a couple of inches of wire and a small fee connect
them up when you ordered the harness... £10 well spent
posted on 2/8/05 at 06:25 PM |
I would have done that too for sure if i'd known ^__^