posted on 5/4/06 at 01:00 PM |
Flasher unit
Does anyone out there know how to connect up a three pin flasher unit.
I have an aftermarket three pin unit, and I have an idea how it is suposed to work, however there are no markings on the pins i.e. which pin connects
to what
Any assistance greatly apreciated(baby arrives in 3 weeks!!!)
posted on 5/4/06 at 01:31 PM |
the unit should have some numbers or letters on the pins. once you have found those, take a look here:
http://www.vehicle-wiring-products.co.uk/VWPweb2000/relays/relays.html abouthalf way down for the pin information.
good luck.
posted on 5/4/06 at 04:27 PM |
If its the old fashioned 1960s style round thermal type stick an ohmmeter across it --- two terminals should find a low ressistance between them,
one connects to power the other to the flasher lamps, the other terminnal is for the warning light bulb.
Which way round the main terminals go is guess work but it you get it wrong the warning light won't work.