The Doc
posted on 21/10/06 at 12:23 PM |
Position of Side Repeaters
OK I have the SVA diagram which tells us about side repeaters - 'viewing from the rear of the vehicle' blah blah blah.
Could anyone give me a reasonably fool-proof SVA area in which we may locate these. (height and say range forward to rear of bulkhead/firewall) I
think I'd rather have them forward of the bulkhead if that's SVA safe.
Any help would be appreciated
flak monkey
posted on 21/10/06 at 12:31 PM |
On the side of the scuttle is ok for SVA as far as I can see. I think several people have put them there without issue. There are some examptions on
side repeaters on seven type vehicles IIRC.
If you are using an old escort loom you will probably have to wire in some side repeaters anyway, I know I did.
posted on 21/10/06 at 12:35 PM |
Alot of people have mounted them on the side of the scuttle and passed sva with no trouble.
Thats where ive put mine, as far forward as i can and as low as i can. Having not sva'd it yet i cant confirm it will but as most people has
passed it shouldnt be a prob.
Built the purple peril!! Let the modifications begin!!
posted on 21/10/06 at 01:01 PM |
I put mine here (see pic) just in front of the foot well. Passed no probs. I think SVA are very lenient ( or however you spell it) with side repeaters
these days.
When I die, I want to go peacefully like my Grandfather did, in his sleep -- not screaming, like the passengers in his car.
David Jenkins
posted on 21/10/06 at 02:03 PM |
Mine are up on the scuttle - this means that they can be seen from any angle on that side of the car, as they are higher than the wings.
I worked on the principle that wherever you stand, you can see at least 1 indicator on that side of the car... the tester agreed with that, although
it's not written down in the manual.
posted on 21/10/06 at 06:53 PM |
Hi mine are like Donuts and passed ok it was 2.5 years ago though Jacko