posted on 31/7/07 at 09:54 AM |
Speedo sensor wiring?
Hi all,
Now I'm on the home straight and i can see the SVA man getting ready to fail me I have a question about the wiring on my speedo
I have a set of caterham gauges, and a hall effect sensor (I think) fits on Seedo cable drive and has three wires.
I know I have to supply it a voltage and the same voltage to the Speedo, It says 8V, but is this absolutely nessercary? or is 12 OK? if not how do i
do it?
also do i give 8v to the sensor and gauge or just the sensor?
any diagrams would be helpful.!
many thanks
[Edited on 31/7/07 by nib1980]
posted on 31/7/07 at 10:40 AM |
how many pins on the back ?
Taller than your average Guy !
Management is like a tree of monkeys. - Those at the top look down and see a tree full of smiling faces. BUT Those at the bottom look up and see a
tree full of a*seholes .............
posted on 31/7/07 at 10:47 AM |
quote: Originally posted by Agriv8
how many pins on the back ?
on the back of what? there three on the sensor, and 8 on the gauge it think? one is meant for the power feed for the sensor too. apparently???
posted on 31/7/07 at 11:09 AM |
This is how I have wired in My VDO gauge.
ETB linky.
I think quite a few of the gauges use the same internals ( regardless of what the name on the front might be !! )
Taller than your average Guy !
Management is like a tree of monkeys. - Those at the top look down and see a tree full of smiling faces. BUT Those at the bottom look up and see a
tree full of a*seholes .............
posted on 31/7/07 at 11:35 AM |
this is the sensor I'm using.