posted on 28/12/07 at 09:47 PM |
nova ignition problems
i run a 1.6 c16se block with and 1.4 multi point head with twin 40's and up rated cam, the dizzy i have had to be made to fit by a friend of
mine to get it to spark due to the miss match engine components, (dizzy number 0237009073-jgf04) i have a coil with blue amp( coil number
1227020036-166 ((965)).
the problem started whilst driving home on the 27th, the rev counters bounced from 0-5k then the car died. wouldn't re start and when cranking
the rev counter doesnt move like before on cranking. the aa came a towed me to a service stop, put on a jump pack and it started. checked my
alternator and said it weren't changing enough. with the car running a carried on my travels and drove another hour with just head lights on and
the car was fine apart from one small cough and after managing to keep it going by bumping it got home.
this morning i went out and it started fine. whilst looking for things either loose or a miss we started it 6-8 times and it was fine. had lunch came
back to it to go drive it and nothing. we have no spark. we've tried another coil and amp and still can not get a spark....
anyone have any ideas?
what should the 2 wires on the side of the dizzy go to?
what do the 6 wires for the amp do and where should they go?
the car has no alarm or any system of that sort, we've checked the battery and alternator and they are both fine along with fuses. the only
thing thats odd is it sometimes miss fired when indicating right but now we've checked that it doesn't spark or anything!
has anyone a more simple way of getting the ignition working, i would like something simple and reliable as its built for track use, people have
mentioned going to points and condessor but when i have tried this on the car in the past its been more hassle than it was worth. anyone out there
local to rockingham that fancies some beer tokens to sort it or gide me to someoen that maybe able to help
posted on 28/12/07 at 10:41 PM |
Sorry but maybe not much help but the last time i had a car with similar problems it was the earth lead that was faulty. It looked ok on the outside
but was f***** and was a total b****** to diagnose
Good luck and welcome
posted on 28/12/07 at 11:20 PM |
the last one we built which had similar problems it turned out to be distributer so could be the same or a worm rotar arm.
worth a try.
also welcome to the forum
posted on 29/12/07 at 01:01 PM |
we think its sorted now.... i've replaced the alternator with a new one and it seems to have sorted it. we're thinking it had enough
power to turn over but not anything else.... fingers crossed.... cheers for the welcome.... and thanks for ur help