posted on 13/6/08 at 04:28 PM |
Vapor digi dash calibration?
Hi Guys
Has anyone set this system to run with 185/70/13 and got a speed reading that seems realistic.
It seems to be within the parish at around 30 to 40mph then when I am side by side with HGV's holding steady with them it is reading around the
80mph mark ?!?!?!
The rev counter seems a bit eratic, even on a steady throttle ?
Any known settings / help would be greatly appreciated as my nerves are shreading going past speed cameras !!!!
posted on 13/6/08 at 05:42 PM |
i assume you are using a car engine in your kit as my rev counter did the same. the solution is a new feed wire with a resistor fitted in line.i
bought mine from vapour it cost £6 and cured the problem.the speedo was calibrated by measuring the distance from the floor in mm, multiply by
3.14.use the rusulting figure to set your vapour.send a u2u if you need to talk.
posted on 13/6/08 at 06:22 PM |
Where are you taking your speed from ? I've done mine from the Prop shaft with 2 magnets....
So my tyres measure 1850mm round
1850mm / 2 = 925
then you need to divide by your diff ratio to give the correct figure to input into the Vapor. If your measuring from the wheels then you don't
need to divide by the diff ratio
posted on 13/6/08 at 06:34 PM |
Measuring from the rear wheel.
posted on 13/6/08 at 06:37 PM |
then it's just 1850mm divided by the number of magnets
If your still having a problem get hold of a Sat Nav system which displays speed and adjust accordingly
[Edited on 13/6/08 by jeffw]