posted on 11/10/08 at 03:18 PM |
Indicator Relay does it have to make a noise ??
Have fitted an LED happy relay and indicators now flashing peoperly. However - it doesn't make a noise.....
Is there a requirement for audible warning ??
posted on 11/10/08 at 03:19 PM |
yep. has to make a noise. add a buzzer somewhere and should be fine
IVA manual link
don't write OT on a new thread title, you're creating the topic, everything you write is very much ON topic!
Paul (Notts)
posted on 11/10/08 at 03:35 PM |
Mine makes no noise...It just needs a green arrow to flash on the dash display.
So if you have a light flashing with the correct symbol you do not need a buzzer>>>
posted on 11/10/08 at 04:17 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Paul (Notts)
Mine makes no noise...It just needs a green arrow to flash on the dash display.
So if you have a light flashing with the correct symbol you do not need a buzzer>>>
Agree... you just need some way of telling that the indicators are flashing. With my first setup (indicators on top of the cycle wings) I technically
didn't need any dash lights because you could see the indicators from the driver's seat!
posted on 11/10/08 at 04:30 PM |
With my last 7, even though I had the correct green lights, I ended up fitting a buzzer after a while because without something audible, I kept
leaving the indicators on by mistake.
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posted on 11/10/08 at 05:30 PM |
I had an MOT fail over this with the land rover.... and looking in the SVA manual it says:
quote: Note: The "tell-tale" may be audible or visual. It is not required if one or more indicators on each side of the vehicle
can be seen by the driver from the driver's seat
and for hazards:
quote: Note: The "tell-tale" device must be in the form of a flashing light, which may be the same lamp as the direction indicator
looks pretty clear as to what is required.
posted on 14/10/08 at 06:44 PM |
Passed SVA today with silent indicators. Guess it may be a different question come MOT time but SVA man seemed happy enough !
posted on 16/10/08 at 10:26 AM |
quote: Originally posted by simonk
Passed SVA today with silent indicators. Guess it may be a different question come MOT time but SVA man seemed happy enough !
no, AFAIK it is same for MOT: audible or visual telltale is required.