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Sprint Track Day Barkston Heath July 13th
JacksAvon - 29/3/13 at 11:41 AM

EDITED 23:14 30.03.13


The entrance to Barkston Heath is on the B6403 not Heath Lane as shown by Satnav

Entry on Saturday wil be via Crash Gate 3 TO BE CONFIRMED
A52 onto B6403
Once you have reached the main entrance to RAF Barkston Heath on the B6403 head down the hill towards Ancaster the entrance to Crash Gate 3 will be on your left it is a very narrow lane.

A15 onto A153
At the Traffic lights at Ancaster crossroads turn left up the hill the entance to Crash Gate 3 will be on your right it is a very narrow lane.

Paperwork states gates open at 08:50, I would aim to be there for 08:30.
On arrival please sign on first.

Any lost sheep call 07769 717180

RAF Barkston Heath Post Code NG32 2DQ


Weather for Saturday

Cost £50 per driver
Driver number as indicated on the list below.
Cheques to be with me by June 1st

Cheques made payable to;

Cheques to be posted to
J Walton
1 Hop Pole Cottages
Hop Pole
Deeping St Nicholas
PE11 3HJ

Here we go again, the annual pilgrimage to RAF Barkston Heath.

July 13th 2013 has been chosen so as there is no confliction with this years shows.
It is late enough in the year to enable those building some time.
Early enough for those that only tax until the end of September.

.Until then feel free to get your name down early.

£50 per driver

Kit required;
A valid full uk driving licence.
Long sleeved top must be worn. Overalls not required.
Crash helmet, must be servicable, full or open face, full face prefered. If open face must be worn with goggles.
A car. It must be servicable and fit for purpose. No three wheelers.
A huge sense of humour and be prepared to have a good time.

Numbers will be rquired to be fixed to both sides of the car, no numpty last minute write it with a biro please.
Print two numbers at maximum size on your PC, ie a 2 and a 2 for 22, laminate and use electrical tape to affix, it aint rocket science.
Or, for little money, get them from 'fleabay', very smart.
It is for your safety, so if in the event of an incident your car can be identified by the crash rescue crews.

For those looking for a place to camp the night before or stay after on saturday night.
Look up Woodland Waters in Ancaster, it comes with the a 5 star rating from the 'South West Massive'

If you are still confused call me, 07769 717180

For those wishing to camp over on the Saturday night, you are welcome to take part in the RAFMSA Sprint Challenge on the Sunday.
In addition to the kit required for Saturday, you will require overalls For the RAFMSA Sprint Competition.
Overalls, must be a minimum of 100% cotton. NO MAN MADE FIBRES.
For those not going for the full Stig look, welding overalls or similar are fine or see the link below for a cheap and stylish pair.
See link below

Groovy Overalls

1 Dave Rose
2 Rob Hemming
3 Richard Hanks
4 Andy Rowles
5 Jess Hardwick
6 Matt Wingrave
7 Jamie Pharo
8 Peter Goddard
9 Dan Elliot
10 Terry Barker
11 Steve Foster
12 Barry Lilles
13 Pete Spiller 2nd driver for Richard Hanks
14 Richard Grove
15 Tim Clarke
16 Marcus Curran
17 Dave Wood
18 Patrick Thirlwell
118 Craig Beavis
181 Adrian Westbrook
19 Nigel Thurston
20 Mark Chandler
201 Anne Marie Mockford
21 Chris Harris
27 Paul Carter

[Edited on 30/3/13 by JacksAvon]

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[Edited on 30/3/13 by JacksAvon]

[Edited on 30/3/13 by JacksAvon]

[Edited on 30/3/13 by JacksAvon]

[Edited on 30/3/13 by JacksAvon]

mark chandler - 29/3/13 at 03:10 PM

Is this for road legal cars o can my trailered track day car be used ?


JacksAvon - 29/3/13 at 11:58 PM

Trailered cars are fine provided they are fit for purpose

mark chandler - 30/3/13 at 12:27 AM

Before I commit my hard earned.

My BEC although the roll hoop was built to MSA specs is not certified or approved by any scrutinisers

The car was once road worthy, however lights have been removed after stone damage, indicators have died over time although mechanically the car is fine it has not been mot'd taxed or tested for 5 years, does this class as fit for purpose ?

Reason for no MOT is simple, I save enough money for two track days by doing this

Thanks Mark

Barksavon - 30/3/13 at 08:38 AM

Is this track day open to all as its organised by a member of the RHOCAR i went a couple of years ago and must say its a great day

JacksAvon - 30/3/13 at 07:53 PM

Mark Chandler.

Roll hoop is fine, mot not needed.
Any queries, give me a call. Number is on the post

JacksAvon - 30/3/13 at 07:54 PM


Open to all drivers.
Any queries, give me a ring.

dave r - 30/3/13 at 08:48 PM

Originally posted by Barksavon
Is this track day open to all as its organised by a member of the RHOCAR i went a couple of years ago and must say its a great day

been several times, so has cloudy....

good day out

mark chandler - 30/3/13 at 09:05 PM

In that case please book me in for two drivers myself and the misses.

I will drop you a u2u

Cheers Mark

redeye - 30/3/13 at 10:11 PM

Im going for the first time, Cant wait

Are you going this year Dave?

dave r - 31/3/13 at 06:31 AM

number 1 on the list

redeye - 31/3/13 at 01:29 PM

Oh yeah, brilliant

I've fitted the new gear shift btw, makes a huge difference, thanks for sorting it.

daniel mason - 31/3/13 at 04:46 PM

im in, please can i pay you direct as ive lost my cheque book? is the sprint day included in the £50 entry?

JacksAvon - 31/3/13 at 11:20 PM

Daniel Mason, you have u2u

daniel mason - 1/4/13 at 01:32 PM

what do we actually get for the money? never done this before and its a lond drive from cumbria with a trailer on the back!
how much time do we get at the wheel? cheers

JacksAvon - 1/4/13 at 11:26 PM

Saturdays Sprint Track Day

All cars will do a sighting convoy run.
This allows you a run around the course in slow time.

Once complete, take your first run, join the back of the que and go again.
Kepp this up until lunchtime approx' 12:00.

13:00 join the que and repeat the process.

It is normally found that the drivers and cars have had enough before the time runs out at around 16:00 ish.
So, essentially, as many runs as you or your car can stand.

Sunday is a formal sprint competition day.
The same sighting run is completed by all drivers.
This is followed by 3 timed practice runs and 2 timed laps, all taken singley.
Afternoon is 2 timed practice run and 3 timed laps.

All using the French Predictive Scoring System.

Hope that has made it clearer.

See YouTube clip below for one of the track layouts.

JacksAvon - 8/4/13 at 10:23 AM

There are still spaces left for this day

mark chandler - 29/5/13 at 06:01 PM

Hello Jack

Sorry forgot about this, can you confirm it's still on and I will get a cheque in the post.

Cheers Mark

dave r - 29/5/13 at 08:14 PM

i can confirm its still on

rodgling - 29/5/13 at 09:15 PM

Would love to come but a friend has inconsiderately got a wedding on that day. Hopefully see you there in 2014.

JacksAvon - 31/5/13 at 01:07 AM

This event is still on.
Waiting for cheques from those below.
More spaces are available

20 Mark Chandler. LCB
201 Anne Marie Mockford. LCB
21 Chris Harris. LCB

chris_harris_ - 11/6/13 at 02:17 PM

Apologies. I will send my cheque tonight. May have another taker for you if there are places still available.

daniel mason - 11/6/13 at 05:02 PM

how many more spaces are there and whens the deadline on entry? cheers

JacksAvon - 11/6/13 at 10:06 PM




daniel mason - 12/6/13 at 06:17 AM