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bec owners club contact details
Jason Fletcher - 2/4/08 at 05:15 PM

I'm trying to arrange to rent the SVA exhaust but I am having trouble getting a response from the email and the phone number is not recongnised. Doe the bec owners club guy/ guys hang out here? or does anyone have an alternative contact for them?


[Edited on 2/4/08 by Jason Fletcher]

jos - 2/4/08 at 05:22 PM

yup he's on here

tjoh84 - 2/4/08 at 05:28 PM

u2u ed you details

Jason Fletcher - 2/4/08 at 07:17 PM

Thanks guys. I'll give him a call.


zxrlocost - 2/4/08 at 07:52 PM


we have tried to edit the website with our new number and each time it says completed but never edits it so ill have to check out that one

the email address is active though so there should be replies ?

Ive u2u'd you

thanks chris