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a project
whitstella - 10/11/10 at 10:35 PM

hi i have just started to work my way through a haynes roadster book making the jigs etc. and after a couple of months i'm get fed up with the slow progress. so i was wondering if any one had a project started 10%- 90% finshed with most of the parts for sale???????? so its just a case of boltin the thing together??????????

cheers steev

ReMan - 10/11/10 at 10:49 PM

It will never be just the case of bolting one together
Not unless you pay Mr Westerham or Caterfield a visit

mikeb - 10/11/10 at 11:07 PM

It's can take time building from scratch, look at the deal Saturn has for the rolling chassis for the haynes its a good buy and saves you the major fabrication. You'll still have to make a few bits and bobs but your build would come together a lot more quickly, you can then choose to buy or make interior panels etc. Part builds can be a bargain, or a nightmare.

matt_gsxr - 10/11/10 at 11:17 PM

Well done for realizing that you are going slow. Most people get about 4 years in and realise.

Not sure what you should do, but there are various companies that make things easier.

There will be still lots to do, but much much quicker.


blakep82 - 10/11/10 at 11:54 PM

i bought by chassis pre made (ex race car) in 2003, ands i'm still not finished

expatkiwi - 11/11/10 at 06:18 AM

How much are you willing to pay for a project

Barronge - 11/11/10 at 07:31 AM

I have one but it's based on the original locost book, got loads of bits but wouldn't lie and say everything is there to finish it

laptoprob - 11/11/10 at 07:52 AM

If you want a great chassis and an easy to fit bodywork setup then give MAC#1 a call.

Ive looked at them in detail after building my Tiger and i can tell you that they area very tidy kit with a good/friendly back up to suit.

They are on the forum here with user name of .......wait for it..........mac1

jossey - 11/11/10 at 09:07 AM

its difficult to get hold of a kit which needs a few bolts.

ive been worlking on my kit for 10 months since i got a pile of bits.

and so far ive got a rolling chassis with the engine in place and running.

no prop as yet though.

steering is now in place and i have all the body panels.

i have used a friend to weld the chassis up from a pile of 1" box and the engine mounts. (fabricator for trailer company)

i have got all the brake lines made

and just about to fit the pedals.

now i think im about 20% done and ive worked a hell of alot on the car.

im impressed with my work as its the first build ive done apart from a ferrari and lambo kit onto a pug406 and space frame ready built.

I was thinking of selling mine which ive spent over £1300 in just bits when i got offered a v8 locost with chassis but i wanted 2k for mine.

Its much better to build it yourself but try get someone to help you.

the guy who helps me does all my welding and i do his electrics and wiring and interior. so its a fair swap. (this helps you get further with your build) maybe find another locost builder who you can do 1 day on each per month. you wil get tons more done and you will get other ideas.


myke pocock - 11/11/10 at 10:26 AM

Took me 11 years to complete mine from scratch!!! Worth the time though I think. Stick at it. There are significant times in the build, when it gets on wheels, when you can steer it, when the engine is installed, when you start the engine and when you get to drive it the FIRST time etc.

chrisxr2 - 11/11/10 at 12:25 PM

Altogether in unison "you never quite finish building a kit car"

femster87 - 11/11/10 at 01:11 PM

Dave, do you want to do my wiring am hopeless at it. lol Any work I can do for you?

big_wasa - 11/11/10 at 05:38 PM

Ive been doing mine from scratch for the last six or seven years. There have been many times when I have wanted rid and usually at this time of year.

Keep going

jossey - 12/11/10 at 11:48 AM

femster my local builder friend.

of course ill help you :O)

you can return the favour and let me know where i can get some red diesel for my heater in the garage and for the generator :O)

big_wasa - 12/11/10 at 05:59 PM

Dont use red it will stink kero would be better.