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wanted book "race car vehicle dynamics"
dimlaz - 5/3/15 at 09:52 PM

Hi All,

Has anyone got a copy of 'Race car vehicle dynamics by William F. Milliken , Douglas L. Milliken that they would be looking to sell?
Thanks in advance.

designer - 6/3/15 at 10:21 AM

Think I have a copy somewhere, will have a look through my boxes of books.

coyoteboy - 6/3/15 at 11:28 PM

its not very easily found online in pdf form....

DougMilliken - 12/3/15 at 02:07 AM

Originally posted by dimlaz Has anyone got a copy of 'Race car vehicle dynamics by William F. Milliken , Douglas L. Milliken that they would be looking to sell?

If you are not able to find a used copy, consider buying directly from our publisher at: I believe they have fairly good rates for international shipping.

I can also sell you a copy of RCVD directly, but the shipping through the US Post Office can be quite expensive. In this case, I offer the SAE discount of $10 (for regular members), so my price is USD $90. I can sign the book to you if you like. Payment through PayPal is usually easiest.

-- Doug Milliken

Ivan - 12/3/15 at 06:10 AM

I have a copy that I will be willing to sell for the right price - only problem - I am in South Africa so will have to check cost of postage.

U2U me if you are interested.

coyoteboy - 12/3/15 at 09:25 AM

Jesus, that direct publisher link is a far better price than I've seen it elsewhere! Tempted to get my own copy now rather than borrowing it!

Doug - you'd be welcome to stick around and contribute on here!

DougMilliken - 12/3/15 at 01:06 PM

Originally posted by coyoteboy publisher link is a far better price...
Doug - you'd be welcome to stick around and contribute on here!

My Google Alert for the book title found the original post by dimlaz. Thanks to ChrisW I was able to join the site and post.

I'm guessing that you searched Amazon? Amazon is often hell on small, specialty publishers; over the years they have tried all kinds of stunts including low and high prices:
* Lately the Amazon USA site has multiple pages selling "RCVD: Problems, Answers and Experiments" (the softcover supplement for university students--yellow corner on the cover)
* It is hard to find the correct web page for the original book (which now has a blue "Best Seller" corner on the cover).
* When I search there I find 3rd party sellers...and some stupid expensive prices.

The SAE online bookstore is tied to their warehouse and RCVD has been in stock continuously for immediate shipment -- for the last 20 years. Same for our other engineering books.
We link to SAE on our web pages, starting at:

There is also my father's autobiography which includes a chapter on his MX-1 Camber Car. The publisher's site includes reviews and some excerpts,

Thanks for the invitation, I'll check back from time to time. Mostly I post over on -- the popular Formula SAE and F Student forum.

DougMilliken - 30/5/15 at 02:40 AM

Originally posted by DougMilliken... We link to SAE on our web pages, starting at:

There is also my father's autobiography which includes a chapter on his MX-1 Camber Car. The publisher's site includes reviews and some excerpts, ...

For anyone interested, the publisher has just reduced the price of "Equations of Motion" to USD $25 (original price for the quality paperback was $45). Book reviews of the autobiography can be found here,