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Cost of a Wordpress website
BenB - 21/6/13 at 12:10 PM

Does anyone in the LB massif design Wordpress websites? Or does anyone know the rough cost of getting a Wordpress website built (about 10 pages in total)?

Some crazy fool quoted us £2.5k for the consultation process and £1.2k to write it (both subject to VAT!). How we laughed.

We've got the hosting side of things sorted and our provider has wordpress built in as standard so I'm thinking it should be fairly cheap even if they use some premium templates....

I wrote our existing website but it does look a bit web 1.0 (I just used some CSS and hand written html).

Not Anumber - 21/6/13 at 12:16 PM

I have designed several Wordpress websites. Its a great platform

McLannahan - 21/6/13 at 12:25 PM

Ben - If you're happy to use one of the thousands of free templates...Do it yourself.

Hosting and buying the domain will cost you from about £50 for the year dependent on the host and their shared server prices.

Wordpress is free. Templates are free. Plugins are free....

Should take you less than an hour to set it up - especially if your host supports a nice easy client portal (like Softaculous/cPanel)

Most decent host companies will know what this is and help guide you through. Softaculous contains wizards to help install loads of things such as Wordpress. It literally makes it a one click install and two boxes to type in!

tegwin - 21/6/13 at 12:26 PM

I usually charge clients around £300 for joomla/Wordpress website of that size assuming the content is fairly simple.

I charge thousands for custom code on large scales.... Don't quite see how you have been quoted so much for a Wordpress site!

Plenty of free or buyable skins/templates. I would just do it yourself

[Edited on 21/6/13 by tegwin]

Not Anumber - 21/6/13 at 12:33 PM

10 pages, i'll swap my labour for an inlet manifold I am after.

U2U if interested.

BenB - 21/6/13 at 01:08 PM

I know I should do it myself- we've got hosting etc all sorted (at the moment it's hosting a website I built using a little CSS and some html written in notepad) and it uses Cpanel. I had a go at using Wordpress but chickened out. I should sit myself down and do it but my colleagues decided to throw money at the problem...

SALAD - 21/6/13 at 06:05 PM

If you decide not to do it yourself, my other half and I can do it for you. Send me a U2U and we can discuss.

sickbag - 22/6/13 at 10:09 AM

Try posting it on here - - useful site for all sorts of projects, etc.