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Indicator repeaters
peter_m7uk - 6/11/10 at 04:20 PM


Just wondering what you're all using for indicator repeaters and where you are siting them to pass IVA? I've heard of several people putting them on the front wings, but what about the scuttle or wing mirrors??


marcjagman - 6/11/10 at 04:23 PM

Putting front on nose cone and on scuttle for sides.

big_wasa - 6/11/10 at 04:30 PM

Side repeaters. Its got to be the outer edge of the car, so front or rear mudguards.

[Edited on 6/11/10 by big_wasa]

peter_m7uk - 6/11/10 at 04:32 PM

Got to be mudguards! Ok, now I know, ta And where are people getting items that fit neatly under the mudguard edge??


big_wasa - 6/11/10 at 04:56 PM

I say wings but it does depend on what vosa center your going to. Much easier to stick them in the back and pu a tube for the wires up and over to the back indicator.

Check the book as there is a max distance from the front of the car.

I took the ruber gromets of and bonded mine in.

Loads of places do a litle led repeater that fits in a 20mm hole.

[Edited on 6/11/10 by big_wasa]

dunk3 - 6/11/10 at 05:32 PM

I put mine in the front cycle wings, got them from a 3 series bmw.

RichN - 9/11/10 at 12:57 PM

It's all about the visibility and distance from the extreme front of the car 2600mm (see the manual). I put mine on the scuttle and failed because they were not visible at the back at 5 degrees from horizontal (even though the rear indicator is on the top of the cycle wing and blocking the visibility !).

I then bought some really small LED ones from EBAY (boltonbits - I think £4 each) - recommended by the IVA man and I sited them on the rear panels near the engine cover.

Remember that you're only allowed 1 set for IVA so I removed the front ones using grommits to fill the hole.

You can see them in this, post IVA, pic. The scuttle ones are re-fitted.


Michael - 9/11/10 at 08:57 PM

Brought my ones from the bay for a Land Rover Defender 90.

Went through IVA Friday with no trouble, even checked radius as looked under 2.5 & was ok.

Mine are mounted on rear wings.