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Noise levels
simon chapman - 17/4/09 at 09:27 PM

I need to know the noise level limit for the SVA/IVA some say 94 Db and some say 97 got a meter just need to know level

BenB - 17/4/09 at 09:36 PM

Is the noise meter calibrated? Otherwise I wouldn't bother. Most are +/- 3-4dB which is (in terms of noise level) double to three times as much (or there's about, my log maths is failing me tonight after a little bit too much vin rouge).

IE you can quite spectacularly fail the SVA/IVA noise test despite a cheapy uncalibrated unit saying you're A1....

iank - 17/4/09 at 09:44 PM

SVA 101dBA @ 500mm and 45 degrees from the exhaust exit.
IVA 99dBA @ 500mm and 45 degrees from the exhaust exit.

IVA from Draft 3.2, SVA from the manual

Note it's dBA not dB they measure for the difference if you don't know

[Edited on 17/4/09 by iank]

smart51 - 18/4/09 at 06:58 AM

99dB for IVA.

BTW, 3dB represents twice the noise POWER but only a small increase in perceived volume. If you turn the radio up or down "a bit" most people adjust it by about 3dB. 10dB is twice or half the perceived volume.