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the_big_1 - 14/6/17 at 08:52 PM

Hi guys,

Anyone herd anything from Phil at Talon?
Been trying to get hold of him to check a couple of parts but no reply.
Tried here, Haynes, Facebook, text, email but nothing?
Hope is all ok with him?

Charlie C - 15/6/17 at 05:54 AM


I had an email from Phil last Thursday and I believe he's busy making wishbones.

Some times Phil doesn't respond right away because he's busy and its worth giving him a week and then sending a little reminder.


[Edited on 15/6/17 by Charlie C]

Charlie_Zetec - 15/6/17 at 11:55 AM

I've sent 3 e-mails and never heard anything back!

loggyboy - 15/6/17 at 12:27 PM

Old fashioned telephone is always the best way for most small companies.