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Fitted Kitchens North London
gantiwae44 - 3/4/14 at 06:55 AM

Fitted Kitchens North London. Fitted kitchens in North London for only £595 including appliances. Full fitted kitchens only £595. Fitted kitchens North London

theduck - 3/4/14 at 07:04 AM


sickbag - 3/4/14 at 09:07 AM

Getting spam like this always puts me off using these companies, they seem so unprofessional in their approach to advertising so I always think the quality of their service must be just as poor.

A friend of mine used to set up a Denial of Service (DoS) attacks on the websites of companies like these, I remember one that lasted over a month

JoelP - 3/4/14 at 09:25 AM

I was going to suggest chipping in to take out this twats website! As a lowly kitchen vendor he's unlikely to have much defense against it!

UncleFista - 3/4/14 at 10:12 AM

Everyone should ask for a complicated free quote, keep them too busy to spam

Jon Ison - 3/4/14 at 10:20 AM

mmmmmmmm, a few emails sent

Jon Ison - 3/4/14 at 10:23 AM

This bit probably explains it, they will have paid to have some "marketing done" by a firm that claims to get results, this is at the bottom of the web page

"We are a SEO + Marketing company based in indonesia your details will be passed on to the kitchen company who will contact you"

Do they not realise this so called "marketing" as the exact opposite effect ?

r1_pete - 3/4/14 at 10:55 AM

Must admit when I wanted a new kitchen the first place I looked was Indonesia....

Grimsdale - 3/4/14 at 11:14 AM

kitchens in north london with a leeds telephone number? Google the telephone number and there are hundreds of different websites with "kitchens" and an area name. Very dodgy.