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Jon Ison - 6/6/14 at 09:06 AM

Hector.Brocklebank - 6/6/14 at 09:36 AM


so why did you type some ?

avagolen - 6/6/14 at 10:44 AM

That is a brilliant picture.

It really defines the time & emotion.

bi22le - 6/6/14 at 12:04 PM

A time to remember all of the fallen from many different nations.

That day countries stood side by side to fight for a better world without any hidden agenda. All present living today will always be in debt to their bravery.

HappyFather - 6/6/14 at 06:39 PM

The fact that Britain stood alone against the nazis and fought so hard for European liberty is one of the many reasons I admire you so much.
Well deserved tribute. These dates should not be forgotten; the men that lost their lives for a better world (and also those that pulled it through) should never be forgotten but praised.

perksy - 6/6/14 at 08:03 PM

Heroes that should never be forgotten