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Yorkshire meet
DRC INDY 7 - 4/3/09 at 07:23 PM

Its been so long since i last went i can not remember the day it is on is it next week and what time

more important who will be going

chrisg - 4/3/09 at 07:54 PM

It's next Wednesday 7.30 on.

As to who's going - I dunno, it's been very sparse over the winter, maybe people will post?



Scoobythedog - 4/3/09 at 10:13 PM

If you promise to tell me all the donor components I need to get (and cleaned up) in time for january 2010 I will come.

chris james - 5/3/09 at 09:33 PM

altisidora pub at bishop burton next wednesday 11th march 7.30pm. i cant make it as im working but ther are a few others going i believe. see post about east yorkshire meets 2009.

davidinhull - 7/3/09 at 02:58 PM

I'm going unless it rains
have a look at this:

kipper - 7/3/09 at 05:43 PM

Hi davidinhull,
I think you will find that this thread refers to Chris,s meeting up near Pontifract, just is the same night as the east yorks meeting.

davidinhull - 8/3/09 at 10:23 AM

Oops, never mind, I'll still be going to the east yorkshire meeting but not to pontefract

andyps - 8/3/09 at 07:49 PM

I can't go this month as I am away on Wednesday. I will be away in April too, but should be there in May so will see you then.

DRC INDY 7 - 9/3/09 at 07:08 PM

Is anybody going in there kit cars to the angel

chrisg - 10/3/09 at 08:34 PM


Tony, Dave and myself will be there, no kit cars though, I haven't got one (well not a full one anyway) and theirs aren't taxed!



chrisg - 11/3/09 at 06:56 PM

It's tonight.

I will be there.

No autographs.

That is all.