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Is it Ackworth this week?
Avoneer - 9/5/05 at 11:03 AM

Is it Ackworth this week?

Hellfire - 9/5/05 at 11:16 AM

Sure is. Unfortunately we won't be there this month.

carlgeldard - 9/5/05 at 11:26 AM

Bang go's that pint then Steve.

Avoneer - 9/5/05 at 03:27 PM

Weather dependant, may be me in mine and Carl in his.
Don't worry Carl - i'll buy you a pint instead 'cause I think I owe the Hellfie team a piny anyway.
Oh, also owe JoelP a pint or three so I hope he's not going as well ;-)

Marcus - 9/5/05 at 07:46 PM

Weather permitting, I'll be there in the locost and I think Roland's going too


JoelP - 9/5/05 at 08:49 PM

Originally posted by Avoneer
Oh, also owe JoelP a pint or three so I hope he's not going as well ;-)

ha ha !!! you'll not avoid me that easily!! (actually i probably wont be there...)

andyps - 9/5/05 at 09:44 PM

I'll have one of Joels pints though Pat!

Won't be there till fairly late (nothing new there then before anyone else says it!) as I have to work on Wednesday evening this week - and unfortunately not on my chassis!

Mk-Ninja - 10/5/05 at 02:11 PM

Should be over. I assume (always fatal) everybody knows its back at the Beverlys Arms. Just in case people missed last month.


mk blade - 11/5/05 at 04:11 PM

Will probably pop over to give the car a little run after rebuilding gearbox.


Avoneer - 11/5/05 at 05:02 PM

I'm definately going in my Avon, with Carl in his Avon and Rob in his black Zetec Avon.
3 Avon convoy - that's more Avons in a any one place than ever before!

Mk-Ninja - 12/5/05 at 07:33 AM

Great turnout 15 se7ens and that was without the debut of Mr Gs beast. But hopefully both he and the rest will be over to the South Manchester meet next week, well done lads see you next week.


Hellfire - 12/5/05 at 10:22 PM

God - this is frustrating

All this fun and we're in the chapel...

Maybe see you their next month - hopefully.

mk blade - 13/5/05 at 04:11 PM

Nearly there then hellfire?

I think some one said there was going to be a treasure hunt next month should be good fun.

Also there is a track day in july with javelin which tony painter has got a group booking will save us all a few quid.

I think it was £5 off if 5 people go £10 off if 10 go, somethink like that.


tim windmill - 14/5/05 at 07:20 AM

when do you meet up as it is not to far for me to come and it would be good to meet up with others

MkIndy7 - 14/5/05 at 09:47 AM

We meet on the 2nd Wednesday of the month,

Although the next meeting might not be such a good one for you to come to as theres a treasure hunt on,
so there won't be as many cars sat around for you to look at,
until after the hunt of cause when I'm sure u'll be made most welcome

Would just hate for you to come far and then there hardly be any cars there cos there all off hunting!

andyps - 14/5/05 at 09:06 PM

Who is organising the treasure hunt?

Mk-Ninja - 16/5/05 at 08:05 AM


So dont be late next month