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R1 engine differences 2004-6 cf. 2007-8
motorcycle_mayhem - 17/12/11 at 09:31 PM

Can somebody please shed some light on the Yamaha R1 engine, of which my knowledge is limited to Wikipedia and the various model histories. I have acquired a chassis with a 2006 engine (the last of the 20-valve series). It's not in a great state of health, but runs 'OK', having withstood some serious abuse.

Someone out there must have replaced one of these units with the 2007-8 models, a more conventional 16-valve unit (with some entertaining inlet trumpets). Are the 2007-8 units physically similar to the 2004-6 units, i.e. do I have to contemplate engine-mount relocation and/or differential/sprocket relocation to fit (it's a md-engine chain drive set-up) - does it go straight in????

Apparently all is well:

But it'd be reassuring to hear from others.

If it doesn't fit without hassle, then I'll probably try something else KawaSuki.

I guess if AB is reading this, he could possibly tempt me with something from Mr Honda for future reference. The injector/airbox height isn't an issue with this thing (unlike some others).

wee beastie - 18/12/11 at 12:37 PM

I had an '07 R1 engine to put in my Global, but ended up selling it, as there were running issues unique to the Global race cars:-(

The information I was able to ascertain was the '07 block is a 5VY (not 100% sure if this applies to the '08), the same as the 04-06 engine, but the head is 16v, marked 4c8. So with that in mind, the theory is that certainly an 07 should the same as an 04-06, as the mounts would be the same (unless anyone knows different).

Hope this is of some help
