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R1 Indy - No neutral when hot
Paul G - 17/7/06 at 08:04 AM

Morning all,

Another problem with the car, its fine at first but once I've been driving for 10 mins if I come to a halt in traffic it sticks in whatever gear it was in (1st or 2nd) and I cant get it into neutral. Its a right pain in the arse as I have to sit there with my foot on the clutch for ages. If I turn the engine off, get outside and push the car backwards or forwards while pressing on the gearstick it pops into neutral.

Any Idea what the problem could be? It never used to do this, I've fitted a new clutch and put in new engine oil but it still does it. The Oil is just above the window on the engine so I think I've got the correct amount in.



zxrlocost - 17/7/06 at 08:11 AM

paul its most likely if youve got a shorter selector shaft

mine is exactly the same

Paul G - 17/7/06 at 08:27 AM

Hi chris, its just wierd that it never used to do it and its only recently started it. Also the fact that it only does it when its warmed up. I've finally got the brakes sorted and now this issue is just spoiling the car, theres that much traffic on the road that I'm on the clutch most of the time round here.

Snoopy when you say clutch adjustment do you just mean adjusting the cable or is there something inside the clutch itself that needs tweaking?

[Edited on 17/7/06 by Paul G]

zxrlocost - 17/7/06 at 08:29 AM

ok try what snoopy says

Paul G - 17/7/06 at 09:20 AM

Cheers Snoopy I'll have another look at the linkage - I was a bit wary about pulling the clutch out too much as I have already flipped the plate over once before doing that!

Coose - 17/7/06 at 10:08 AM

snoopy - I've found you some of these which I think you've lost.
