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DVLA Registration Confusion
SteveWallace - 6/5/14 at 08:26 AM

Having passed IVA a couple of weeks ago, I'm trying to get my Viento registered and I have to admit confusion about what forms to use and how to fill them in. Given how long the DVLA seem to be taking to turn applications around at the moment, I want to make sure that I get it right first time.

Just to be clear, I'm only after a Q plate, so no issue with proof of age or newness. I've looked at the other threads on here and none seem to give a complete answer

So my questions/ assumptions are:

I) I know I need to complete form V627/1, but how do I do it? The first part requests serial/ID numbers for the major components. The only serial number that I have is for the 1997 BMW engine (unless you count the chassis VIN number). Under the 'Origin' column it compounds the problem by asking to state the 'registration number' or 'new' I have a mix of new and donor bits (but without original registration numbers). The form also talks about 'rebuild' not 'build'. I was thinking of just doing what I can and then putting a big note of explanation in, but any tips would be appreciated.

ii) When going for a Q plate do I need to use form V55/4 (newly built kit) or V55/5 (rebuilt vehicles). So does my car, built as it is from a variety of old donor parts and new bits from Luego count as a newly built kit or a rebuilt vehicle? I've sent off for both forms just in case I make the wrong guess.

I know I need to send receipts, proof of ID, the registration fee, fee for tax disc, and IVA pass certificate.

[Edited on 6/5/14 by SteveWallace]

pekwah1 - 6/5/14 at 09:35 AM

Hi mate,

I recently registered with a Q plate.

I filled in:

V627/1 - i put details of the major parts (chassis kit, engine, drivetrain etc and included receipts even though second hand)
V55/5 - you need this form!

There's another form you need as well something along the lines of "Self build declaration" i.e. saying that you built the car and just a disclaimer on there.

Irony - 6/5/14 at 10:32 AM


I am going to wait until you've figured all this out then ask you what to do! Almost glad you went through the IVA first now! I'll post some images of my new exhaust soon!

SteveWallace - 6/5/14 at 11:30 AM

Originally posted by Irony

I am going to wait until you've figured all this out then ask you what to do! Almost glad you went through the IVA first now! I'll post some images of my new exhaust soon!

The first lesson that I've learnt is that I should have applied to the DVLA for the forms before I passed my IVA test. I didn't know that you couldn't just download the forms from their website. I filled in their on-line application form for the paper forms on the day of my IVA test and I still haven't had them back yet. Time to start chasing by phone.

My advice would be to save yourself the grief and apply for the forms at least a month before your IVA. I'll do a full 'lessons learnt' on here once I've been through the whole process.

SteveWallace - 6/5/14 at 12:17 PM

Originally posted by pekwah1

There's another form you need as well something along the lines of "Self build declaration" i.e. saying that you built the car and just a disclaimer on there.

Thanks for the advice on the forms. WRT the self build declaration, I thought that that was for IVA only (I certainly did one for IVA).

Davedew - 6/5/14 at 01:01 PM

Passed IVA on 9th April, got my plates on Friday.

You will need the V55/5 forms as you are using parts from a previously registered vehicle.
You will also need the V627/1.

Self build declaration is for IVA only.

I was also going for a Q plate. On the V627/1 if it was a donor part I put the manufacturers name in the make box, and left the origin & serial ID blank.
If it was new, such as the chassis in my case. I put the VIN no, and my name as the manufacturers name.


SteveWallace - 7/5/14 at 08:52 AM

The Gov.UK website also says that if its a kit car you also need to provide build plans, so are people sending a copy of the build manual as well?

Davedew - 7/5/14 at 07:02 PM

I sent my Roadster Haynes Manual.

Not sure if they looked at it or not, but wanted to make sure I covered all the possible stubbling points.