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Handbrake and Mirror Edges
birdii - 2/12/17 at 08:15 AM

Just getting the last few bits together before IVA and I'm unsure if my current centre mirror is going to pass the radius test.

I presume it is tested with the 100mm sphere with the mirror twisted at any angle? If so then I think the edges of the base will touch:

Interior Mirror 2
Interior Mirror 2

The other thing I'm not sure about is the handbrake, I haven't seen a gaiter for a reasonable price that I like so its not covered yet. The IVA manual exempts the ratchet mechanism but there is a pointy edge at the back which is the limit stop when the lever is pulled up, I wonder if this will be an issue? I've got the rubber handle to refit yet.


Any experience on either of these points?

If the mirror is not good enough then I fancy this as a replacement:


loggyboy - 2/12/17 at 08:28 AM

Ensure the mirror is 25mm foreward of the edge of dash, its then classed as an exterior projection, and if projecting less than 5mm it just needs to be blunted.

birdii - 2/12/17 at 08:30 AM

Does the complete mirror assembly have to be forward 25mm or just the base?


CosKev3 - 2/12/17 at 11:37 AM

Can't see the sharp piece your on about on handbrake,on mine I've put a piece of silicone pipe over the top under my gaiter which acts as a elbow protector nicely !
Just sliced it open along its length and pushed it on,just thinking this set up might cover the rear piece you talk of if the hose was long enough?

nelmo - 3/12/17 at 09:24 PM

Just unbolt the mirror and stick on a cheap, £10 IVA-friendly version. It doesn't matter if you only see sky out of it - it just needs to exist. Similar for the handbrake - just get a cheap gaiter for now and whack it on - doesn't matter if you don't like it, it's not permanent.

loggyboy - 3/12/17 at 11:59 PM

Originally posted by nelmo
Just unbolt the mirror and stick on a cheap, £10 IVA-friendly version. It doesn't matter if you only see sky out of it - it just needs to exist.

Will need to see the required view, cant just 'be thee'

nelmo - 4/12/17 at 07:54 AM

I passed my IVA in August, I promise you, the view out the central mirror is not tested. Side mirrors, Yes, but not the central one.

ttalps2000 - 4/12/17 at 08:31 AM

do take into consideration that the IVA test is made up as they go along most of the time!

loggyboy - 4/12/17 at 10:21 AM

Originally posted by nelmo
I passed my IVA in August, I promise you, the view out the central mirror is not tested. Side mirrors, Yes, but not the central one.

Your experience was an exception, not the rule.

2. An interior mirror must be fitted, (see Note 3)
Note 3: The interior mirror must be positioned as far as is practical to afford the best possible view to the rear, if the interior rear-view mirror does not provide any rearward vision its presence shall not be required.

nelmo - 4/12/17 at 12:21 PM

Hmmm, I'd say that other test was the exception..that is the first fail because of the central mirror I've heard of.

I was advised this by GBS who do IVAs for customers all the time and they fit the same cheapo mirror every time without a problem.

I'd be interested to hear how that guy got through his re-test. The only way to get the hoops out of the mirror view would be to make the stalk about a metre tall

birdii - 4/12/17 at 12:33 PM

Ive decided to get the mirror that i like from CBS, they advertise it as IVA OK.

After having a good look around ive not seen a mirror IVA OK for £10 although i discounted all of the stick on types as i assumed these would only work if you had a glass screen?

Also ordered a handbrake gaiter so that should solve that problem.

Hopefully will be positing my pre iva pics later this week, test is a week on Tuesday! Exciting after 13 years of building!

nelmo - 4/12/17 at 12:45 PM

Originally posted by birdii
Ive decided to get the mirror that i like from CBS, they advertise it as IVA OK.

They only mean the edges wont be a problem, not that the view will be any different to this one I used:

But I bet you'll be fine either way. Good luck! And 13 years!! Damn!

birdii - 4/12/17 at 12:49 PM

The view is OK for my centre mirror, rear hoop doesn't obstruct.

I didnt realise I had this project so long until i looked at some receipts, shocking!

nelmo - 4/12/17 at 09:37 PM

Originally posted by loggyboy
Originally posted by nelmo
I passed my IVA in August, I promise you, the view out the central mirror is not tested. Side mirrors, Yes, but not the central one.

Your experience was an exception, not the rule.

2. An interior mirror must be fitted, (see Note 3)
Note 3: The interior mirror must be positioned as far as is practical to afford the best possible view to the rear, if the interior rear-view mirror does not provide any rearward vision its presence shall not be required.

Check that other link, I asked the OP for more detail and it seems that he never really failed on his center mirror - it was never tested. The tester mentioned that the view was obscured but that was never a point of failure, just an observation.