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Garage clearout - various items
PaulYDP - 3/5/10 at 09:19 PM

Hi guys,

After getting my car through SVA a while back I decided it was time to clear out what I have left over and either didn't use or no longer need!

I have listed everything on ebay but if you are interested in anything contact me and I'll see what I can do


jossey - 4/5/10 at 10:11 AM

reverse gear box prop?

what do you mean.

im confused.

i have a zzr1100 engine and sierra lsd dif.

do i need reverse or not?


dumb dave

PaulYDP - 4/5/10 at 10:31 AM

Hi Dave,

If you fit a reverse gearbox then you will have a split prop. A long section going from the diff to one side of the reverse gearbox and then the item that I have for sale going from the other side of the gearbox to the engine.

I was going to go for a reverse gearbox but decided against it and so I just run a modified sierra propshaft! Any car going through IVA now needs a reverse.

Hope this helps - any other questions just ask!


PaulYDP - 7/5/10 at 03:41 PM

Bump it up - few days left!

Open to offers on stuff as well.
