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Split convoluted sleeve
Michael - 23/1/12 at 09:54 PM

Where on the highstreet can you get split convoluted sleeving?

I only need a short lengh as have added a high level stop light and that is the last i need.

I can only find online sellers.


PSpirine - 23/1/12 at 10:20 PM

Halfords or other Car Audio place? Used in installs sometimes and is actually included in a lot of wiring kits..

Michael - 23/1/12 at 10:30 PM

Have tried Halfords, but will look around some more

PSpirine - 23/1/12 at 10:31 PM

Alternatively... how much are you after and what thickness? I'll check whether I've got any lying around

Michael - 23/1/12 at 10:33 PM

6mm inside diameter and about half a meter in lengh.

The annoying bit is I have about 8" of the stuff but not enough for what I want.

Then I have quite a bit left of the other sizes that I have used.

[Edited on 23/1/12 by Michael]

craig1410 - 23/1/12 at 10:41 PM

If you're stuck, VWP will sell you a metre for 63p here:

Unfortunately postage is £3.95 an VAT an additional 0.92 so £5.50 in total...

I'll have a rummage in the garage tomorrow night unless someone else beats me to it. Like you though, I think I've only got the larger stuff left over along with some spiral wrap.


Michael - 23/1/12 at 10:43 PM

Yes thanks Craig.

I have looked at VWP and Polevolt and have found the same prices.

The bay has cheapest at £2.39 for a meter so not realy worth the worry, but knowing its usualy 63p a meter then there is one hell of a mark up, but that will include postage grrrrrrrr.

PSpirine - 23/1/12 at 10:44 PM

Just had a rummage - sorry matey, can't find anything other than 5-6" off-cuts so must've used it all!

Michael - 23/1/12 at 10:46 PM

No its ok, thanks for the look and unless you live in the garage, thanks for going out to look too.

omega 24 v6 - 23/1/12 at 11:10 PM

I have a bit I could post you.

designer - 23/1/12 at 11:12 PM

Maplins? RS components?

Mr C - 23/1/12 at 11:23 PM

I've a load, its not split, I cut it if required. I'm in Kent (Tonbridge way) if thats any good to you.

Michael - 24/1/12 at 09:48 PM

Originally posted by omega 24 v6
I have a bit I could post you.

Thanks Omega, you have a u2u.