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can it get any worse?
theconrodkid - 30/11/08 at 03:25 PM

its 3 pm,its dark enough to have to put the kitchen light on to cook a bowl of gruel,the rain is lashing down outside and my ex has just rung to tell me all about her FREE holiday,2 weeks in Cancun
can it get any worse?

nib1980 - 30/11/08 at 03:28 PM

yeah, you could have been in india this week, or thailand airport now.

things can always be worse my friend

blakep82 - 30/11/08 at 03:33 PM

as above, or electrocution, or being crushed by something heavy, losing a limb, having a cronic illness...

wouldn't say its so bad

simoto - 30/11/08 at 03:35 PM

Ex come back and demand half your gruel.

02GF74 - 30/11/08 at 03:49 PM

yes, the ex rings you up to tell you her new man has built a kit car for £ 250.

StevieB - 30/11/08 at 03:53 PM

Ring the ex bak, say you want to give it another go and think cancun is the ideal place to do so...

omega0684 - 30/11/08 at 03:55 PM

ex rings you back and says

"oh i forgot to tell you, im going to cancum with you dad!"

mediabloke - 30/11/08 at 04:22 PM

You checked your wallet and find she's taken your credit card & pin no. for spending money?

The cat just ate your gruel?

The hol's free 'cos she paid for it by flogging your project car on ebay?

theconrodkid - 30/11/08 at 04:44 PM

just been for a trudge round in the cold wet mud,met three others walking their dogs,2 have been made redundant on friday

fesycresy - 30/11/08 at 04:45 PM

Just put a smile on, and wish her a wonderful holiday.

Then ring customs the day before she comes back, explaining her extra cargo

That'll f**k her.

coozer - 30/11/08 at 05:30 PM

I'm with ya kid, I've been divorced 16 years and she still gets on my tits too regular

Anyway, where are you? Its rock hard here, frost that looks like snow, clear blue skys, beautiful winters day.

I suspect it's like Histon was on the telly this after

[Edited on 30/11/08 by coozer]

theconrodkid - 30/11/08 at 09:11 PM

im in the insipid multicultural swamp that was once london,oh and ive broken the same toe again,twice in 3 weeks