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Missing posts?
Simon - 10/12/08 at 01:33 AM

Being a bit sad, I got all excited a couple of weeks ago when I got to 4000 posts.

I seem to have a lost a few! Have they been abducted, should I be worried?



A1 - 10/12/08 at 01:52 AM

its the post pixies!!

blakep82 - 10/12/08 at 02:05 AM

i had a similar problem with the underpants gnomes.
i wouldn't worry too much
besides, you can relive that excitement all over again

[Edited on 10/12/08 by blakep82]

A1 - 10/12/08 at 02:10 AM

i always knew southpark was based on reality!

blakep82 - 10/12/08 at 02:20 AM

it is! true story. I've got a friend, he's been killed 25 times so far.

scootz - 10/12/08 at 07:29 AM

Ah.. the under-pant gnomes episode! Only bettered by the milking dogs one!

Mr Whippy - 10/12/08 at 07:43 AM

Originally posted by Simon
Being a bit sad, I got all excited a couple of weeks ago when I got to 4000 posts.

I seem to have a lost a few! Have they been abducted, should I be worried?



you must be getting audited on quality…

only kidding

dogwood - 10/12/08 at 07:49 AM

I saw sombody nicking a gate the other day.
I was going to say something but didn't incase he took a fence...

Where's my coat...


Mr Whippy - 10/12/08 at 08:06 AM

Originally posted by dogwood
I saw sombody nicking a gate the other day.
I was going to say something but didn't incase he took a fence...

Where's my coat...



JoelP - 10/12/08 at 09:09 AM

Originally posted by Simon
Being a bit sad, I got all excited a couple of weeks ago when I got to 4000 posts.

I seem to have a lost a few! Have they been abducted, should I be worried?



I seem to have lost nearly a thousand!

Im guessing the early archive has been wiped...

Agriv8 - 10/12/08 at 09:13 AM

Noticed a slow down over the last day or so supect the archiving deamon at work.

I wander what the size of the locost db is.

now that is sad



Fozzie - 10/12/08 at 09:17 AM

Don't worry Guys and Gals,

Nowt to fret about.......

Chrisw did a prune of very old posts in the 'For Sale' section, in order to try and speed up the site at peak times.... I think it needs a bit more, but it was a tad better yesterday.


Mr Whippy - 10/12/08 at 09:22 AM

Originally posted by Agriv8
I wander what the size of the locost db is.


must be huge

dhutch - 10/12/08 at 10:52 AM


must be huge

I dont know, you would be supprised.
- Pure data (text) is supprisingly small to store.
- We have a forum that proberbly a simular size, and the gallery (which is far smaller than the photo archive here) is large compaired to the whole of the rest of the database.


Agriv8 - 10/12/08 at 11:08 AM

I was talking to one of the DBA's for vodaphone every call is an entry on its oracle DB I forget the figures but it was measured in TB's .

I agree text is small but I would take a guess that thesre is quite alot on LB it has been going for a good few years.



jollygreengiant - 10/12/08 at 11:08 AM

Done my bit and trimmed out the old ones from the for sale section.

blakep82 - 10/12/08 at 11:12 AM

i want to work my way up to the top posting list

John Bonnett - 10/12/08 at 02:39 PM

I seem to have lost a good 30 posts too.

Is this an epidemic?

MikeR - 10/12/08 at 10:16 PM

i've no idea how many i've lost - so i'm posting here to find out!

(and then i'll delete this post so as to not clog up the system)

Humbug - 10/12/08 at 10:23 PM

Originally posted by MikeR
i've no idea how many i've lost - so i'm posting here to find out!

(and then i'll delete this post so as to not clog up the system)

you'll have to eat it to destroy the evidence!

andrews_45 - 10/12/08 at 10:39 PM


Fozzie - 10/12/08 at 10:50 PM

Dear oh dear oh dear

What are you lot like?!?!

We try and speed the site up a bit by getting rid of old rubbish...and still you moan!

The only stuff that has gone are 'For Sale' posts/replies over 12 months old.......

I can't believe that some of you know the exact amount of posts you have..... don't you guys know by now, that it's 'quality, not quantity' that counts!


blakep82 - 10/12/08 at 11:01 PM

nah, quantity all the way

blakep82 - 10/12/08 at 11:01 PM

nah, quantity all the way

iscmatt - 11/12/08 at 02:42 AM

blake stop cheating! you posted twice! - now how many have i got??

Agriv8 - 11/12/08 at 08:24 AM

Originally posted by Fozzie
Dear oh dear oh dear

What are you lot like?!?!

We try and speed the site up a bit by getting rid of old rubbish...and still you moan!

The only stuff that has gone are 'For Sale' posts/replies over 12 months old.......

I can't believe that some of you know the exact amount of posts you have..... don't you guys know by now, that it's 'quality, not quantity' that counts!


Everyone used to say that I was a problem child - but my mum just said It was just because i was special !!!

Keep up the good work Fozzie were just sticking our toungs out at authority .



[Edited on 11/12/08 by Agriv8]