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Help needed w/ web development!
oliwb - 14/6/09 at 07:16 AM

Hi folks, I am trying to build a website for the girlfriend's business on dreamweaver. I am gettin on okay but have a few stumbling blocks. I am almost a complete novice at this! (used to use golive a lot a few years ago which is similar but not the same as dreamweaver cs3).
She has a blog on blogger and on the homepage I'd like to be able to insert a feed which will show just the last two sentences say of the last two posts, or something like that. >>edit found an example here << on their homepage (right hand side) I have set the blog up as a feed through feedburner but can't seem to find an option to sumarise it. Even if I could I have no idea how to insert this as like a frame in my homepage.
Next question is about rollover images. I would like an image to enlarge on rollover but 'hover' centrally over the page, disappearing again when the mouse moves off the image. Not sure how to do this as the dreamweaver rollover will automatically re-size the images to be the same size.
Really hoping someone can help me out with this one! Thanks,

[Edited on 14/6/09 by oliwb]

fov - 14/6/09 at 09:47 AM

The blog is dead easy to use a free tool such as which takes the RSS feed from the blog and make it a format to put on your site.
You can code your own to get it exactly how you want but I suspect that is both too complicated and unnecessary.

For your image part I wouldn't touch rollovers with a 10' barge poll. What you want is a lightbox. Have a google if you dont know what one is. How you would use in dreamweaver I dont know as I just write my own code rather than using a WYSIWYG editor.