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eBay user - a new one on me...
r1_pete - 7/4/16 at 08:09 AM

Here's a genuine message from someone who bought a couple of things from me on eBay:

All ok this end. If you want to do feedback leave for me and I will return favour .

Whats the idea, why can't he just leave fbk...

Seriously tempted to just write 'here's the feedback you requested'

Smoking Frog - 7/4/16 at 08:28 AM

He wants you to leave it first. Compared to some messages it's not too bad.

MikeRJ - 7/4/16 at 09:31 AM

Personally I wouldn't leave him any feedback at all. He's trying to blackmail you into leaving good feedback, but his only leverage is the feedback he will leave.

nick205 - 7/4/16 at 09:43 AM

My response would be to report to eBay and not leave feedback for him - sounds like he's trying to push you for +ve feedback before he leaves feedback for you - not right in my book.

SWMBO recently sold a kids coat on eBay and the winning bidder then tried to get out of it. Reported to eBay and they made the winning bidder pay and be quiet. Some people need a lesson in what eBay is and how to use it!

Brook_lands - 7/4/16 at 10:00 AM

You are the seller, they are the buyer; correct?

I didn't think sellers could leave negative feedback for buyers these days.

If I order something and pay for it promptly as far as I'm concerned I have kept my part of the bargain and many sellers do leave feedback at that stage.

When the goods arrive in a timely manner and are as expected then the seller has completed their part of the deal and I will leave my feedback.

Why the negative reaction to what appears to be a message from someone whose first language doesn't appear to be English and is a bit anxious.

If they ordered and paid why would you not leave feedback.

If you are worried about them then hitting you with a case and getting their money back etc, etc, then you shouldn't be selling on ebay.

Slimy38 - 7/4/16 at 11:10 AM

On a related subject, I've now not left feedback for more than two years. I personally object to a system where '5 out of 5' is considered 'average', and where sellers are very much at the mercy of poor buyers (inability to leave negative feedback is just ridiculous).

As MikeRJ says, I just wouldn't leave feedback.

chillis - 7/4/16 at 11:57 AM

As someone who mostly buys I never leave feedback until the seller leaves feedback, and if pestered to do so then I leave none.

Brook_lands - 7/4/16 at 12:12 PM

Originally posted by Slimy38
On a related subject, I've now not left feedback for more than two years. I personally object to a system where '5 out of 5' is considered 'average', and where sellers are very much at the mercy of poor buyers (inability to leave negative feedback is just ridiculous).

As MikeRJ says, I just wouldn't leave feedback.

I whole heartedly agree. On a scale of 1 to 5 if I order something, it turns up when they said it would and it is correct then at best that is a 3, after all as a customer that is what you expect.

When someone makes extra effort then that is when the 4 and 5s come in.

But the OP is the seller, so I don't see why he is reluctant to leave feedback for the buyer regardless of what is a rather inelegant email in which he has said he is happy.

ianhurley20 - 7/4/16 at 12:12 PM

Not impressed with the last two posts (ahead of the one timed the same as my post). If you are happy and goods are as described why not leave feedback. It really disappoints me when I leave feedback for someone and they can't be bothered to leave similar for me. If they are a seller then they will never get my custom again!

[Edited on 7/4/16 by ianhurley20]

WallerZero - 7/4/16 at 12:26 PM

I think the whole feedback system is an absolute waste of time on eBay. You rarely find a seller that consistently screws buyers over and usually poor feedback is always a small percentage of their total feedback.

The feedback system doesn't gain any extra sales or provide discounts for being a highly rated buyer. I don't check out the eBayer's profile and conduct a background check. I find what I want, check the description and if I'm happy, buy it. If it doesn't arrive a week after the estimated delivery I open a case and eBay and get my money back, pure and simple. If someone asked me for feedback as either a buyer or seller, I would proceed to leave them a neutral review stating they asked for it.

YQUSTA - 7/4/16 at 01:06 PM

I only buy from ebay and never sell and in my opinion if I buy something I fully expect the seller to leave feedback first.

If they dont they dont get any in return, I have even sent a message like the one above and had a seller say they would only leave me feedback once I had.

The way I look at it is that I couldn't give a monkeys about my rating as I dont sell where as the sellers normally do.

If I were to be pedatic about it I would even leave neutral feedback for not receiving it first as the buyer and put it down to bad communication, but I dont as its not a valid point in my eyes for giving neutral feedback.

r1_pete - 7/4/16 at 01:15 PM

Didn't intend to start a heated discussion, I've been at eBay since is started more or less, and its the first time anyone has asked for fbk.

My feeling with private sales, is the buyer leaves +ve 1st, then the seller knows he has received it, and is happy.

I generally don't use the money until I've received feedback in case there is a problem, so fbk kind of triggers releasing the funds.

ReMan - 7/4/16 at 04:40 PM

Originally posted by r1_pete
Didn't intend to start a heated discussion, I've been at eBay since is started more or less, and its the first time anyone has asked for fbk.

My feeling with private sales, is the buyer leaves +ve 1st, then the seller knows he has received it, and is happy.

I generally don't use the money until I've received feedback in case there is a problem, so fbk kind of triggers releasing the funds.

Yep, IMO the buyer, should start the feedback to indicate he's happy with the purchase.
(I genuinely want then to be)
I advocate this in my selling speel.
Given that the seller cant leave negative feedback anyway, to say how happy you are with the seller for paying , and being lovely, to recieve feedback that they think the goods are pants is rather off imho

If nothing I leave it at that though, I wouldnt chase if they cant be bothered

sdh2903 - 7/4/16 at 05:13 PM

I used to get asked this all the time. Feedback used to be important and people used to crave the scores. Now feedback is a joke and I don't think I've left feedback in the past couple of years. It's all weighted to the buyer.

02GF74 - 7/4/16 at 08:36 PM

I thought protocol was seller gives feedback once payment has been received so buyer is correct in asking for feedback before giving it.