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Brighton Police - too much money
Jasper - 7/6/05 at 11:32 AM

In the last two weeks I have seen two different brand new top of the range unmarked big merc saloons driven by police, both stupidly at irregular high speeds in town with no lights flashing.

What the f*ck that all about? Put 'em all back in Ford Anglia's and Sherpa Van's, that's what I say.....

And while I'm at it, there's a new unmarked Evo VIII on the M23 as well.

I thought the police were strapped for cash - maybe Tony's being too generous.

shortie - 7/6/05 at 11:37 AM

I've also seen the EVO, is it the silver one, I think there is also a black one, I saw one on the A24 by Horsham.


Jasper - 7/6/05 at 11:39 AM

Yup - silver one I saw

MikeR - 7/6/05 at 11:47 AM

eeek, better keep my eyes out then when working down there

dannyboy - 7/6/05 at 11:55 AM

Yip...Spotted up near Hickstead the other day.....ahem...luckily I wass being held up at the time

Barstewards Wonder if the bloody council tax is rising this year

barrie sharp - 7/6/05 at 12:23 PM

they can afford a few toys with all the money they get from the speed scameras (opps spelling mistake) cameras.

Jeffers_S13 - 7/6/05 at 12:33 PM

I agree ! why the hell do they need mercs and range rovers ? ? if they need cars that large with that performance get 2-3 yr old Japanese equvalents ! I'd prefer them to save £25k per car and have an extra bobby on the beat. The vehicle budgets must be ENOURMOUS.

tks - 7/6/05 at 12:38 PM

don'we still win from the evoVIII??

or would it be a tough one??

maybe in corners??


Crazy Jay - 7/6/05 at 12:47 PM

When OX was on track in his busa i think he said there was a modified evo behind him that couldn't get past
In belfast, the police have Mitsubishi Galants VR4's Evo VIII's Impreza WRX's and even VW Golf R32's!! All unmarked!
A while back i was driving down the motorway when a Police Passat W10 went flying past doin at least 130. Feckin disgrace

[Edited on 7/6/05 by Crazy Jay]

simonH - 7/6/05 at 02:03 PM

saw an unmarked BMW x5 explode into flashing blue lights near esher. you could not see if the police inside were in uniform or not as it had darkened side and back windows. didn't half shift though

Peteff - 7/6/05 at 02:17 PM

A silver Vectra came through our 30 limit the other day doing stupid mph with the lights flashing and 4 white shirts inside, I think they were just in a hurry to get to court.

donut - 7/6/05 at 02:32 PM


Put 'em all back in Ford Anglia's and Sherpa Van's, that's what I say.....

Grumpy old man

Danozeman - 7/6/05 at 02:59 PM

Theyv got some Jags round here. Also seen a plain clothes TT, octavia VRS. Essex police us the st220's with and without the pictures on.

They dont need them!

Where i used to have sax lessons it was oposite a kebab shop and chip shop. My lessons were on a sat lunch time and every sat at the same time a police car blue lighted to the shop got there dinner and blue lighted away!!

Saved there grub getting cold i spose!

[Edited on 7/6/05 by Danozeman]

jollygreengiant - 7/6/05 at 04:59 PM

Trust me you ain't seen nothing till you've seen the Metropolitan police (unlimited) Grand-Prix.
Open to any vehicle with blues & twos crewed by a uniformed officer. Everyone decends from all directions (except one, the edgware road) towards Marble Arch and then heads off Up the edgware road at best possible speed on any side of the road.
Witnessed this event once (33 vehicles of EVERY type) and absolutely NO major incident reported at the time. Must have been the GP or do you know differently.

Mark Allanson - 7/6/05 at 07:03 PM

The scameras have given them such a cash surplace, gold plated truncheons next?

omega 24 v6 - 7/6/05 at 07:48 PM

WE've got the standard Rangies Jaggs And unmarked omegas up here. Soon i think there is going to be a vast changr in police policy.

All cars will be unmarked and we will still know which ones they are.

They will be driven erratically and at great speed for no visible reason and we'll all say who the f++k was that.

A week later you'll know who it was cause the local papers will tell you Who it was, what the speed was, where they were allegedly going (pie shop) and how much they would have been fined and points given if they had been you or me.

ned - 7/6/05 at 08:52 PM

bit that scares me the most is coming out of euston station and trying to cros the ueston road in town. the fully marked 5 series beemers go the wrong way up the euston road - do you know how busy that is! also the fire station is right on the same junction and i have on occassion seen marked police bikes go straight across the euston road without stopping, they must have death wishes i recon.


niceperson709 - 7/6/05 at 10:11 PM

Over here in OZ all police forces buy their cars tax free and after a certian milage they sell them at auction to the public usually at a profit . I would be very suprised if the UK police do not do something similar ,So when they buy it PAYS them to get the flash stuff because it will have beter resale than the more mundane.
best wishes

shortie - 7/6/05 at 10:14 PM

For info you can tell the Silver EVO VIII in West Sussex as it has a normal long type number plate but it is to one side of the bumper to allow air into the intercooler.

Most EVO's tend to have a square number plate in the same position.


Kelvin - 8/6/05 at 03:16 PM

Sussex are now using C class estates as traffic cars and have some unmarked C class coupes as well. Mostly in Silver. there's also a few dark blue mercs and VW's. Most are now being fitted with number plate recognition as well.

They don't own them, they're leased and the cost is very very small. Much much less than Joe public can lease them for.

Saying that, it does cost 15k to convert a Sherpa into a meat wagon. That's on top of purchase price.

ayoungman - 9/6/05 at 01:54 PM

When I used to drive lorries for a living, the cops used to have a Porsche 928 on the M25. Used to see it regularly when the motorway was first opened. Apparantly, at night, people used to race around from Dartford and do a complete lap (110 miles). They needed something tasty just to catch'em ! The quick cars could do it in under 50 minutes !

James - 9/6/05 at 04:10 PM

Originally posted by ayoungman
Apparantly, at night, people used to race around from Dartford and do a complete lap (110 miles).

Used to?

I have a mate who worked for a Ferrari garage where they still do!

The cars obviously need a test run after any major work!
