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What a day
Peteff - 23/7/08 at 04:46 PM

I was due to change the oil in my daughter's Corsa so we gathered all the stuff and tools together. I put it up the ramps and drained the oil, put the sump plug with a new copper washer and new filter on and filled it back up then went under to watch the oil peeing back out through a pinhole in the sump . We ended up removing the sump which someone had had off before and had glued it back very firmly, had to chisel it off all the way round and found three more holes rusted through. I welded them back up and refitted it and it doesn't leak now. It's all back together and might not use the amount of oil it was getting through.
How the devil does a sump full of oil go rusty?

theconrodkid - 23/7/08 at 04:52 PM

gravel rash on the front,same on fiats and frauds

Peteff - 23/7/08 at 04:57 PM

It's got a quarter inch coat of Zinc 182 and some black back on it now, I hope it lasts the rest of its' days

johnston - 23/7/08 at 05:36 PM

I had same problem with one of my ma's cars

Just before mot she brought into my work to get it power washed lifted it with a fork truck washed it only to discover it was the crud on the sump holding the oil in

its amazin what exhaust putty can do 15 mins before mot

Ben_Copeland - 23/7/08 at 06:01 PM

Lifted it with a fork lift???

Sure you didn't put forks through the sump

andylancaster3000 - 23/7/08 at 06:28 PM

Had the same on mine. Ended up draining the oil, brazing the hole in situ and putting the oil back in as it was 8.30 on a sunday evening and I needed it the next morning. Been like that for the last two years and without further problems!

They are in direct salt spray and probably get bombarded with sh1t so not overly suprising. IMO if you have a pressed sump I think it's best that the sump gasket doesn't entirely do what it's meant to do!

Davros - 23/7/08 at 07:44 PM

Our Kid had a Fiat Punto that the oil filter rusted through!

carpmart - 23/7/08 at 09:00 PM

Originally posted by Davros
Our Kid had a Fiat Punto that the oil filter rusted through!

Should have changed the bloody thing a bit more often then!

worX - 24/7/08 at 05:05 AM

The Oil Filter on the missus' Rover diesel rusted through!!!

How on earth does that happen? I mean I know it's in a stupid place, but the oil filter???


tim windmill - 24/7/08 at 09:20 AM

we had the same problem on a fiesta that we owned from new, 4 years old and the sump corroded.