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Fuel tank breather valve.
Coopz - 7/5/10 at 11:09 PM

I bought the following to use on my injection r1 tank. Am I right in saying I just connect a length of fuel hose to the tank and secure the valve as high up as possible? Do I need to connect some hose to the other side of the valve?


austin man - 7/5/10 at 11:15 PM

as long as its higher than the tank it will be okay

jack_t - 7/5/10 at 11:19 PM

needs to be higher than the filler cap ideally

nitram38 - 8/5/10 at 02:26 AM

Should be higher than the highest fuel level point, which as said should be higher than your filler.

Coopz - 8/5/10 at 07:30 AM

cheers guys I know where I can mount it so no need for a hose on the other side.

andrew_s - 8/5/10 at 07:49 AM

thanks for asking this question, as is exactly what i needed to know ! however I am thinking of going for this slightly chepaer one as it offers roll over proteciton, the main feature of the one you have chosen is it seems to only open when there is a specfic pressure variation, what do you think is best ? I just want to vent the tank in the safest way ?

BenB - 8/5/10 at 10:04 AM

That second breather valve only (as far as I am aware) lets air into the tank. With an EFi set-up you'll be pumping fuel back into the tank from the fuel rail so you need something which will let air in or out of the tank but not fuel. That's what I understand anyway...