posted on 1/3/11 at 01:28 PM |
quote: Originally posted by MikeRJ
Maybe I should point the EC towards the Womens Institute, surely a hotbed of discrimination that should be disbanded immediately
whooaaa back up there matey - my daily jam and weekly cake rations are sourced from the WI and I don't want to lose that.
The WI also occupies my mum and SWMBO once a fortnight so I get an evening's peace and quiet and I really don't want to lose that.
Mind apart from the jam and cakes, I've never been overly sure what they get up to
posted on 1/3/11 at 01:30 PM |
Surely its down to experience too. ie miles under your belt. I was told once you only become a good driver after 10 years or 100k miles. You drive
like the 'force' (star wars). Its hard to explain, but I have been driving 20 years and never had an accident on the road, a few have hit
me though. There are a lot of decisions you make without realising and that only comes with experience.
posted on 1/3/11 at 01:50 PM |
everyone wants equality, until it happens and it doesn't suit them
its a mans world, blah blah blah
IVA manual link
don't write OT on a new thread title, you're creating the topic, everything you write is very much ON topic!
posted on 1/3/11 at 02:35 PM |
Where have they got the absurd idea from that discrimination is always bad? Have they never heard of indiscriminate bombings? Surely that alone should
show you need to discriminate occationally.
I want discrimination on grounds of ability to be made illegal so I can become a racing driver!
posted on 1/3/11 at 02:37 PM |
quote: Originally posted by nick205
whooaaa back up there matey - my daily jam and weekly cake rations are sourced from the WI and I don't want to lose that.
Mmmmm.....cake. .
posted on 1/3/11 at 03:05 PM |
women do silly things and the men crash trying to avoid them...
posted on 1/3/11 at 05:39 PM |
My original point was that there's about as much chance of a lad's insurance going down (as was implied) as me of walking to the moon,
backwards, in solid gold shoes.
Maybe instead of statistical risk assesment (I'm male = bad, I'm 30 = not so bad and I drive a mondeo = repmobile = I'm going to
drive it like a w**ker) why not have a proper risk assessment based on MY driving, and YOUR driving. I know plenty of planks my age and above, male
and female so really age and gender shouldn't play a factor.
Someone mentioned driving with "the force" after 10 years and 100k miles.. Well I had that by the time I was 22, but I was still insured
like I was some t**t in a 106 that's unable to think about not crashing...
Also it's not entirely a product we buy, we MUST have it, although I have told Direct Line (when the quoted me over £900 to insure
missus's car, worth half that) that I would rather not bother.. They wonder why lots don't bother? It's cheaper sometimes..
posted on 1/3/11 at 09:56 PM |
Was the 100k milage a good indication of your ability to drive. Should this be a measure, it is not age or gender specific. More a practice makes
posted on 3/3/11 at 01:05 PM |
quote: Originally posted by LoMoss
Was the 100k milage a good indication of your ability to drive. Should this be a measure, it is not age or gender specific. More a practice makes
To be honest not really, there are people out there (sales reps for one) that travel hundreds of miles a day and they can be right t!*s.. I think you
should have the choice of having them base it on previous records and risk factors or have your own certified driving ability. It would say something
if you didn't do it
posted on 3/3/11 at 01:19 PM |
Women as a whole have fewer accidents per year but in terms of accidents per mile driven I suspect the balance leans slightly the other way.
I find women under about 30 as a group the most dangerous drivers I encounter, even more dangerous so than the average 17 year old lad, of course
some young lads are complete nutters.
[I] “ What use our work, Bennet, if we cannot care for those we love? .”
― From BBC TV/Amazon's Ripper Street.
posted on 3/3/11 at 03:00 PM |
Apparently according to a radio interview with an insurance boffin the statistics show, his words not mine, Men and women have the same amount of
accidents per mile, however, on average the men tend to have higher speed accidents (main roads etc) and the women tend to be less of a claim,
bollards in car parks and the like. Thus resulting in lower pay outs.
Again, not my words but those of interviewee.
NOTE:This user is registered as a LocostBuilders trader and may offer commercial services to other users
posted on 3/3/11 at 03:50 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Richd
Apparently according to a radio interview with an insurance boffin the statistics show, his words not mine, Men and women have the same amount of
accidents per mile, however, on average the men tend to have higher speed accidents (main roads etc) and the women tend to be less of a claim,
bollards in car parks and the like. Thus resulting in lower pay outs.
Again, not my words but those of interviewee.
Fts with my experience of nearly 40 years (yikes ! ) driving.
In slow speed areas like car parks, petrol forecourts, school zones it is always women who seem to drive too fast for the driving environment, in
contrast male tend to drive faster on what used in my grandfathers day be called "the open road". It is as if the female mind and the
male mind handle the speed v risk judgement differently.
On occasions I have been behind female drivers who drive at less than 40 mph on good country roads but speed up to 45 to 50 as they come into the
40mph zone at the edge of town and when a few hundred yards later the speed limit changes to 30 mph they continue at 40 plus.
posted on 3/3/11 at 03:53 PM |
When the insurance companies decide they can make more money they will up the females policy to the level of men's then it will happen for sure.
They will probably take an average by subtracting the price they charge women from the price they charge men, adding the difference to the male policy
price then charge everyone that amount, that's how it seems to work these days. I'm a bit peed off with insurance as someone tried to
knock me off my bike last year as I was overtaking him then claimed I ran into him so the insurance deemed it 50/50 and doubled my premium so I went
3rd party instead. They then put £40 on my car insurance as I now have a claims record They wouldn't let me use my no claims record I had
on my car insurance to reduce my bike premium before the claim.
yours, Pete
I went into the RSPCA office the other day. It was so small you could hardly swing a cat in there.
posted on 8/3/11 at 08:15 AM |
Doesn't worry me - I'm a bloke
I'm addicted to brake fluid, but I can stop anytime.
posted on 8/3/11 at 08:27 AM |
Andy, your comment "As regards the equality issue we are in the 21st century, the suffragettes thought all those years ago for equality &
now its here, women have a far better quality of life now & able to earn the same as men doing the same job which is fair" is not correct.
Women are still paid less than men for doing the same job in most cases.
I for one, want financial equality, because if you are married, then it would mean more money in the house!