posted on 20/5/11 at 03:05 PM |
help: Buying insurance for IVA next month
Ok, so got stung by Adrian Flux earlier in the month so not getting ripped off again....
I need to order insurance for the kitcar for my test day (6th june)
Now if I don't pass and can't get a reg number from the DVLA then I will probably need to cancel the insurance so they don't cancel
if for me after 14days.
Does anyone know what Footman james and 2gether insurance are like at cancelling policies within the first 14 days?
the guy on the phone at adrian flux said it would be the easiest thing to cancel if I needed to. He didn't bother to mention it would cost me
£70 and be a complete ball ache of being cutt of twice while trying to cancel!
Footman james told me yesterday that there would be a £14 charge but when I asked for that in writing I had nothing back.
Any ideas?
Footman james quoted me £331, 100excess
Sureterm quoted £451
2gether insurance quoted £351
I dont' mind paying more for a decent service
posted on 20/5/11 at 03:15 PM |
I take it those prices are for a year? when I went for SVA I took out a day policy with Adrian Flux and it cost me about £35. It would save a load of
hassles with cancellation fees etc.
Isn't that service offered anymore?
posted on 20/5/11 at 03:19 PM |
I insured mine on the chassis no. That meant I had to give them a reg' within 1month. I failed SVA and hadn't got reg a month later, I
phoned them and they extended it by 2 weeks and said to let then know if that wasn't enough as they'd add another 2 weeks. That was with
Sureterm. Always had good service from them. I do compare prices every year and they're always competitive. Not had good experience yet calling
Flux or Footmans. Frank Pickles always seem good but not enough price difference to switch yet.
[Edited on 20/5/11 by adithorp]
"A witty saying proves nothing" Voltaire
posted on 20/5/11 at 03:28 PM |
didnt think about the 1 day insurance... will find out about that
might give sureterm a call and see if they can be more competative...
posted on 20/5/11 at 06:23 PM |
Let us know, I rang flux and came to the conclusion it would be cheaper to rent a trailer than loose on the insurance.
posted on 20/5/11 at 06:57 PM |
I don't need insurance for the IVA as I have a trailer. I just wanted to drop in the Brighton DVLA on way back if it passes and need insurance