Nick Davison
posted on 22/12/22 at 12:00 PM |
Back but not forgotten
Hi all
I finished my car over 10 years ago, I think. and ran it most summers having loads of fun. It isn't a track car just a fast road car with no
screen an loads of attitude. Fitted with a Lancia 2.0l turbo Thema engine it was driving on 200lbs of torque and 165hp which works well in the dry!!
Unusable in the wet as it spins the wheels up to 3rd. I got caught following a storm on the way back from work without roads and standing water and
to be honest it would have been quicker in a Sandero due to the lack of traction. Plus when my OS front wheel hit standing water most of the puddle
got launched into my chest and flowed down to my waist - not fun driving with wet B****s!
The car worked fantastically and in modern A road traffic was ideal with the acceleration close to motorcycle speed when spinning the turbo at 50ish
so overtaking was a joy. Roundabouts were fun too given the speed you can go in and exit at.
One World cup football match in 2010 I think England were playing and the massive hype had everyone staying indoors watching the match. So as a
football hater, confirmed petrol head and given that it was a seriously hot day I headed over to Nottingham where I knew the city roads well to have
some fun. There was nothing on the tight twisty city roads, I had most of them to myself and let ripper about 40 min it was awesome fun - what a
great football match!!
Loads of other stories to tell but the real reason for getting back here is that one of the mods I had to do to the engine to stand it up at 90deg was
a sump chop. This failed and I lost oil pressure over time and spun the crank.
The recon of my spare engine is done and it's in with a new sump configuration, but so as it wasn't easy I am modifying the Theme engine
with new plenum chamber, wiring loom and ECU so it is now an 8v Integrale engine. This gives 220lbs with 185hp stock but can be chipped to 230hp. I
fitted forged pistons etc to take this option if I want later.
A couple of photos, Blue engine is the old one and red is the new.
Photos too big but will persevere
Cheers Nick
[Edited on 22/12/22 by Nick Davison]
Nick Davison
posted on 22/12/22 at 12:11 PM |
Blue engine out and Red engine in!
  Thema engine
  8v Integrale eng
posted on 22/12/22 at 07:14 PM |
Interesting choice of engine, I presume you've had your fair shair of rotten Lancia's over time!
Out of interest what tyres are you running? My Strikers 300ish torques and 270ish bhp, and although its sketchy in the wet, I wouldn't class it
as unusable!
Nick Davison
posted on 24/12/22 at 05:47 PM |
Yep unusable may be an exaggeration, mostly me being a fair weather driver. Tyres I'll have to have a look later to check but they are on
17" OZ rims and 205/40 I think.
I could say that I started out with a whole Lancia and it rained so the rest of the car washed away in the rain leaving the engine and loom. But
reality is that someone gave me a Thema for free so I dumped the ford for that one. All the mods I had to do to fit the lancia cost about the same as
a set of webbers and linkages would have had to fit, plus I sold loads of outer unresolved parts for extra cost.
What engine are you running to give 300lbs?