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Author: Subject: speed camera petition

posted on 9/2/07 at 03:25 PM Reply With Quote
speed camera petition

this could be well worth signing up

View User's Profile View All Posts By User U2U Member

posted on 9/2/07 at 03:31 PM Reply With Quote
you may sign that but there's no way they'll ever do it

[Edited on 9/2/07 by macnab]

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posted on 9/2/07 at 03:34 PM Reply With Quote
sorry i disagree, speed cameras do make a differance. I work as a safety engineer for an OEM and they do make a differance. people can quote statistics all the want, but two underlying things remain.

there are lie's, dam lies, and statistics.

secondly, if you weren't speeding (which is illegal), you wouldn't get caught.

sorry I woun't be signing, (and I've lost my license because of speeding so I understand before anyone asks)

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posted on 9/2/07 at 03:53 PM Reply With Quote
I disagree too - speed camera's do make a difference. They increase the number of road accidents due to people speeding up to them then slowing down in THE ZONE then speeding up again! Kind of defeats the whole objective in the first place.

I've had a clean license for 15 years now, my speed typically remains within the national speed limits, so I have no problem with them putting them everywhere.

However, it may be the only thing that gets Bliar or brown into office again so they need every trick in the book at their disposal!


[Edited on 9-2-07 by Hellfire]

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posted on 9/2/07 at 04:08 PM Reply With Quote
i agree speed cameras do and dont work, its where they put them, no probs where theres a school, village on main road etc, but why on a main road in the middle of know where, no reason but to make money, on the other hand speed does = accidents = death, less speed more reaction time less death.

would be better to limit engine size and amount of passengers in a young drivers car.

[Edited on 9/2/07 by graememk]

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posted on 9/2/07 at 04:14 PM Reply With Quote
Put my name on it. They are a bloody PITA as far as Im concerened. Generally in the wrong places and also tend to be hidden untill your on them. Stick em all over towns and villages, but I have no time for em when they are out on the open roads.

If its broke, fix it. If it aint broke, take it apart and find out how it works!

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posted on 9/2/07 at 04:41 PM Reply With Quote
Problem as I see it is that they have mobile cameras in locations where they know they will make loads of cash becuase the limits imposed are stupid.

Quite simply they will always be around as they make loads of money, and lets not be naive the government couldn't actually care less about cutting road accidents it's the money they are after.

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posted on 9/2/07 at 04:54 PM Reply With Quote
i hate to say it but i agree that speed cameras in carefuly thought out locations can prevent accidents, and yes speeding is illigal so fair play there

isnt the governments main idea that speed cameras are a deterrent? which is why they paint them bright yellow.

so then where does it come in that an officer, stood well away from a well hidden patrol car with a speed gun catching motorists out ? is that a deterrent? not realy, its just an effective way of making a bit more money off the motorist.
i dont have too much of a problem with fixed ones because you put your foot on the middle pedal (or the left one if you cant drive) when you see the short white lines in the middle of the road with a yellow box next to them but i realy cannot see how they justify the mobile ones, and IIRC the government had a go at the firms that sell the mobile speed camera detectors.

feel free to grumble about what ive said if you disagree lol


And you run and you run to catch up with the sun but its sinking, Racing around to come up behind you again, the sun is the same in a relative way but your older, shorter of breath and one day closer to death

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posted on 9/2/07 at 04:56 PM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by shortie
Problem as I see it is that they have mobile cameras in locations where they know they will make loads of cash becuase the limits imposed are stupid.

i quite agree with that, the local coppers usualy hang around an area near me on the transition between national speed limit and a 30 zone, they catch people out when they are speeding up the the national speed limit, it isnt realy that clear where the 30 zone ends so they take advantage of that

not good realy


And you run and you run to catch up with the sun but its sinking, Racing around to come up behind you again, the sun is the same in a relative way but your older, shorter of breath and one day closer to death

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posted on 9/2/07 at 04:58 PM Reply With Quote
on a side note, i love that website,

im going to start a petition to make it legal requirement for each and every household in this country to consume a large victoria sponge cake every tuesday afternoon, anyone want to sign ?



And you run and you run to catch up with the sun but its sinking, Racing around to come up behind you again, the sun is the same in a relative way but your older, shorter of breath and one day closer to death

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posted on 9/2/07 at 05:02 PM Reply With Quote
it isnt realy that clear where the 30 zone ends

All the ends of zones round here are marked with the start of another either higher or lower or national limit sign. If it's not clearly marked then anyone pulled and prosecuted should appeal against it. Like this.

yours, Pete

I went into the RSPCA office the other day. It was so small you could hardly swing a cat in there.

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posted on 9/2/07 at 05:02 PM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by graememk

would be better to limit engine size and amount of passengers in a young drivers car.

[Edited on 9/2/07 by graememk]

In New Zealand, and I believe Australia too, new drivers are not allowed to carry passengers whilst in their probationary period. They are also not allowed to drink n drive at all. i.e. no 1 or two pint limit. any alchohol on test is a ban.

Perhaps our driving rules need to change to something along these lines? Well, perhaps not change, but include these sorts of ideas.

Although i have to say that it will take a lot more than cracking down on youths to improve the safety of our roads.


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posted on 9/2/07 at 05:08 PM Reply With Quote
You are very right. There are loads of ways of getting off speeding tickets. I am in no way condoning speeding or encouraging people to do it, and worry about getting out of it later on. However, i am a highway designer and engineer and am lucky enough to be very familiar with design standards for roads.

IIRC there were two of duty Coppers who got off speeding tickets due to the speed limit roundels being mounted on a sign of incorrect colour. Many loop holes like this exist.

It is also the case with parking enforcment. I have got of loads and loads of parking fines becasue of improper sign design or location and substandard road markings.

My advice is, never pay out until you have checked every little detail. There is loads of support on the net for this sort of thing. Or just ask you friendly council/highways agency worker!

Whoever that may be!
Originally posted by Peteff
All the ends of zones round here are marked with the start of another either higher or lower or national limit sign. If it's not clearly marked then anyone pulled and prosecuted should appeal against it. Like this.

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posted on 9/2/07 at 07:35 PM Reply With Quote
i think they can work if placed in the right places but they can also kill as most people are watching there speedo instead of the road.

a person i know was doing nothing wrong going past a speed camera traffic was coming to a stop so he was stopping. bang guy behind him was looking at his speed and didnt notice the que in front of him stopping then this idiot had to explain to 3 angry drivers that he is a fool

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posted on 9/2/07 at 07:51 PM Reply With Quote
I didn't complain about them in the first place, but they are just a quick income now. Anyone who disagrees with cameras, buy a laser jammer. Play 'em at their own game . . . Not that Im giving advice or preaching about their use.....

[Edited on 9/2/07 by MattCraneCustoms]

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posted on 9/2/07 at 07:56 PM Reply With Quote
Would you care to share details of what you have? U2U if easier. I'm generally a careful driver and stick to the speed limits(passed my test first time with 1 minor 2 years ago and haven't had a crash or scrape ever) but find myself looking at the speedo all the time now since my gf has been caught speeding 3 times by mobile cameras and this worries me because i'm more likely to miss the car infront slow down if i'm too busy checking the speedo!!
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posted on 9/2/07 at 08:18 PM Reply With Quote
The latest plan is to hide minature cameras in cat's eyes.

An invisible deterent?

Why is speed the only traffic offence that anyone cares about?

I could go out tonight pissed, stoned, uninsured in a dangerous untaxed vehicle, as long as i pass that speed camera at 29.9 mph - I'm safe.

You want to know why?

Because there's no-one there to catch me! Police traffic patrols have reduced by around 65% since the government switched to policing by camera.

Police officers who can spot ALL motoring offences cost money, speed cameras make money - that's the bottom line.

Personally I'd rather share the road with someone going 5mph over the speed limit than with a drunk, stoned, uninsured driver in an untaxed deathtrap who knows that the chances of him being caught are virtually zero.

We need to lobby our politicians to stop taking the easy (and profitable) way and give us back our traffic police - the real answer to road safety, properly patrolled roads.


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