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Had a bit of a bump :(
james h - 4/6/10 at 04:54 PM

Yesterday lunchtime I crashed my MK

It was my fault - I came into a slight right hand corner a bit too quickly, my fronts locked up and I hit the kerb on the left, bouncing me back into the rear offside of an old Merc going the other way, ending up on the wrong side of the road facing the opposite direction.

Thankfully nobody was hurt, but I was completely distraught Insurance isn't going to be great for me for a while now! (My car was covered 3rd party only).

Here is the aftermath:


As soon as I can get my hands on the car I will get it back in the garage and have it stripped down, see what I can salvage. I think the engine is ok, but everything forward isn't. Also there is some weird camber going on at the rear nearside.

Not a happy bunny


westf27 - 4/6/10 at 04:57 PM

Glad your ok,but the car looks fubarred

mangogrooveworkshop - 4/6/10 at 04:57 PM

Sorry to here of your bump. At least you are ok
Cars can be mended.
Ps If your looking for a chassis Give Dave a U2U he has a spare one possibly looking for a home

big_wasa - 4/6/10 at 04:57 PM

at least your ok.

Stuart_B - 4/6/10 at 04:58 PM

glad you are ok through,

but it does look bad, what a bad time as well.


whitestu - 4/6/10 at 04:58 PM

Bugger! Glad you are OK!

coozer - 4/6/10 at 04:59 PM

Ooo, now I feel for you. I felt fully deflated and wanted to disappear when I did mine.

Hope you recover mentally as it has an effect after all the hours you put in.

Glad to hear no one hurt. Get it back and it shouldn't cost too much to rebuild with a new chassis.


A1 - 4/6/10 at 05:01 PM

gawd, sorry to hear about that. hope it all goes okay! watch out for the insurance folk, theyre chancing buggers

james h - 4/6/10 at 05:02 PM

Yeah I feel so pissed off with myself

It's a new chassis job definitely, and some driving lessons after that...

philw - 4/6/10 at 05:06 PM

Gutted for you, as already said at least you are ok and it can be mended.
At least you had your push bike with you though

Gordy - 4/6/10 at 05:06 PM

At least you'll live to fight another day dont think car will

madrallysport - 4/6/10 at 05:06 PM

Lad, hard luck, but as said above as long as your ok, the car will repair.

james h - 4/6/10 at 05:16 PM

I think I might get a roll cage next time too, just for a bit more added security - are MK's cages MSA approved? I think that I read that they weren't.


Jon Ison - 4/6/10 at 05:17 PM

Not a nice position to be in, all I can add to the above is unfortunately I have been in the same position x 2, the cars currently on the road so you will be back.

speedyxjs - 4/6/10 at 05:25 PM

That looks like a bit more than a bump

Glad to hear you are ok!

Irony - 4/6/10 at 05:31 PM

Don't worry your car will be even better when you have rebuilt it! Glad your okay!

daviep - 4/6/10 at 05:48 PM

At least the other persons bike seems to bo OK


hicost - 4/6/10 at 06:49 PM

Put it all in perspective, a lesson learnt and you walked away.

bmseven - 4/6/10 at 07:01 PM

Could have been a lot worse, to much speed

l0rd - 4/6/10 at 07:10 PM

Sorry to hear about your bump.

At least you are OK and in the end of the day, this is what matters. Everything starts as a pile of parts and will end up in parts again before they become something exceptional once again or even more times.

With people, you don't get a choice. It takes forever to become somebody and you don't get a second chance.

Once again, the MK proved to be a good car and you got to live to say your bad luck.

All the best for the future

bitsilly - 4/6/10 at 07:11 PM

And it is most excellent that you know it is your own fault. Many would never admit that even to themselves. Good on ya!

My Cobra is currently in the repair shop due to an aincient old lady who is deaf and blind driving straight in front of me on a roundabout, insted of giving way. She was quick to point out it was my fault as I wasn't there?? She went on to tell me I should have been in second gear!
Will be selling the Cobra and buying a tank.
Anyone who walks away from a prang is lucky, not unlucky.

ditchlewis - 4/6/10 at 07:26 PM

glad to see you are ok.

as already said a car can be fixed but people are not so easy.

i nearly wiped myself out a while back, i am now a lot more careful and aware of the power under my right foot.


Danozeman - 4/6/10 at 07:34 PM

Thats more than a bump. Glad your ok mate. Id be in tears if i did that.

If your in that position again DONT brake.

02GF74 - 4/6/10 at 07:43 PM

Originally posted by Danozeman

If your in that position again DONT brake.

you wanna drive my volvo then? master cylinder failed today so even if I wanted to, I couldn't.

... but back to the O.P. You'll beat yourself over it for a few days, but after that it will pass and will be a lesson learnt.

eddie99 - 4/6/10 at 07:50 PM

Sorry to hear about the car but glad your ok. As said car can be repaired

cd.thomson - 4/6/10 at 07:59 PM

what wally would do something like that


jambojeef - 4/6/10 at 08:17 PM


Glad you're ok - when I first saw the car I thought you might have been pretty poorly so a lucky escape methinks...


iscmatt - 4/6/10 at 08:25 PM

goodness, that made my heart sink when i saw the photo, glad you are ok though! Hope you are recovering ok! Also thank you for posting as its a good reminder for the rest of us to take it steady!

Heres to a speedy recovery!

indykid - 4/6/10 at 08:30 PM

these things happen but in those 3 or 4 seconds, you learn respect for the car you're driving that may have taken you years of stupid risks to find out.

everyone walked away from mine and like you, i went for a full cage on the new one. the finish on this one's everything i wanted the first one to be, though mine did cost about 4k in parts and additions to rebuild.

MikeRJ - 4/6/10 at 08:30 PM

Wow, that was a fair old bump. Still at least the MK Indy is well supported so you'll easily be able to source all the new bits required (once you have built up the required ££).

Was there much damage to the Merc?

RichardK - 4/6/10 at 08:32 PM

Oh mate, so sorry to see that picture, I really feel for you. Hope you get sorted and as many have said glad you're ok.

No chance of getting the merc fixed privatly to try and keep it from the insureres and it maybe then easier to repair the chasis on yours

Take care


l0rd - 4/6/10 at 09:23 PM

Originally posted by RichardK
Oh mate, so sorry to see that picture, I really feel for you. Hope you get sorted and as many have said glad you're ok.

No chance of getting the merc fixed privatly to try and keep it from the insureres and it maybe then easier to repair the chasis on yours

Take care



Try to get it sorted between the 2 of you if possible.

You got away from the car which is a good thing, but you don't want your @rse rapped from the insurance comp.

james h - 4/6/10 at 10:16 PM

Thanks for all the comments.

I will try and have a word with the other party, but I think this will be an insurance job unfortunately

Steve Hignett - 5/6/10 at 02:03 AM

Originally posted by l0rd
Originally posted by RichardK
Oh mate, so sorry to see that picture, I really feel for you. Hope you get sorted and as many have said glad you're ok.

No chance of getting the merc fixed privatly to try and keep it from the insureres and it maybe then easier to repair the chasis on yours

Take care



Try to get it sorted between the 2 of you if possible.

You got away from the car which is a good thing, but you don't want your @rse rapped from the insurance comp.

+74, try and get it sorted.....

welderman - 5/6/10 at 08:08 AM

James thats put an end of you coming out for a drive next week, but if your stuck we will come and take you out.
Glad your ok and if you need a hand give me a shout and i will help, maybe even try and get you back on the road if at all possible.


pinto - 5/6/10 at 09:07 AM

james h - 5/6/10 at 11:35 AM

Originally posted by welderman
James thats put an end of you coming out for a drive next week, but if your stuck we will come and take you out.
Glad your ok and if you need a hand give me a shout and i will help, maybe even try and get you back on the road if at all possible.


Many thanks for your offer - I am going to try and get the car back as soon as possible (needs to be inspected by the police apparently at the place where it was recovered to) then strip it down, see what I can salvage.

I am very determined to get back on the road now! The weather is just taunting me


FFTS - 5/6/10 at 06:22 PM

Room for a passenger on our next PRESTON and SURROUNDING ARE DRIVE OUT..

+ Dad will by you a hot chocolate at Maccy Dees

Ian Kelly - 6/6/10 at 10:22 AM

Hi James,

Sorry to see and hear about the shunt. I'd be up for helping with the spanners in exchange for a coffee!

Get a few of us together and we'll make some speedy progress. It'll be like a montage from an A-Team episode...

Full cage is a good idea. Chin up.


welderman - 6/6/10 at 10:24 AM

hes waiting for the nod to get it back, i think we could do a whip round of parts for him when he knows what parts he needs , its more than welcome to come to my workshop for full strip and rebuild


jabbahutt - 10/6/10 at 07:36 AM

Gutted for you, but as said many times already ^^^ the main thing is that you're okay.

Also nice to see the offers of assistance, this site continues to restore my faith in human nature.

james h - 10/6/10 at 11:54 AM

Cheers everyone for the kind words and offers for help!

I have the car back at a fellow locostbuilder's farm, I will start to strip it down this weekend I think when I can get to it.

The police officer (who forgot to let me know the car was ready for collection, so I incurred 2 days of storage fees at the recovery place) is coming round tonight to interview me under caution for DWDC He says its just a formality but will recommend that I go on a speed awareness course which I will have to pay for. Gah!


welderman - 10/6/10 at 02:30 PM

nice one on the car mate, not so good on the DWDC i got 5 points for that once , i would do the course now if it was offered to me, mind you the bugger i hit went to town on the claim too, but he did break his leg and ruptured his splean . From memory his land rover rolled at lest once !.

Car note James, if you need owt give us (locosters too) a shout.


[Edited on 10/6/10 by welderman]