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wow - what a difference!!!!
02GF74 - 2/3/07 at 11:03 AM

Took kit car to dyno for speedo test, then drove back home to put away in garage and jumped straight into volvo.

WTF???!?!?!? kept looking at hand brake to see if it was on and checking if I selected 3rd instead of 1st!!?

amazing difference in performance, even though kit is 1300 cc and by no means blistering fast but the volvo is no slouch, 850 T5

Can't understand why such a big difference, can only think it must be because the engine in the kit sits lower down so there is less drag by gravity.

Simon W - 2/3/07 at 11:12 AM

I think the fact you're sitting only a couple of inches off the ground in your kit car gives a much greater feeling of speed than in your Volvo

JAG - 2/3/07 at 11:37 AM

I think a lot is due to the sensation through the controls - steering wheel, pedals and ar5e

My Se7en feels alive through these bits of metal/skin and the pedals, steering etc... are so much more direct. In a tintop the pedals, steering and ar5e seem to have little connection with the car and thus make the whole experience more remote and much less involving.

Probably makes it feel slower too

mike smith1 - 2/3/07 at 11:38 AM

How did the speedo test go?


nick205 - 2/3/07 at 11:44 AM

Nice quiet, comfortable, warm environment with Radio 2 purring away - I'm not surprised

After driving to SVA and back the other day which was my first real drive of the car it re-inforces just how much development must go into new cars and just how good (or bad depending on your viewpoint) they really are.

Is the speedo sorted now?

02GF74 - 2/3/07 at 12:11 PM

I think so; reads 1-2 mph more than actual road speed which is what is should do. Was programmed for unloaded radius so with car weight and driver, it pans out very accurate.

Now need to drive all the way to LB with a piece of paper in exchange for a MAC.... kinda pointless journey but thems is the rules.

rav - 2/3/07 at 06:11 PM

can only think it must be because the engine in the kit sits lower down so there is less drag by gravity.


Ham - 7/3/07 at 08:02 AM

Calculate the power to weight ratio of the two........ there's your answer! Plus the fact that it just feels so much quicker