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Gsxr Throttle bodies K5/6
wam builder - 14/4/09 at 11:15 PM

Still need these throttle bodies for current build. Does anyone think that possibly a set of bodies from a Busa would do the job on some homebrew inlet tracts? Cant seem to get any joy locating a replacement set but, have plenty from various goes at launching busas.

stevebubs - 14/4/09 at 11:53 PM

should be ok.

Either that or gsxr1000bodies....

[Edited on 14/4/09 by stevebubs]

motorcycle_mayhem - 15/4/09 at 08:06 AM

..not forgetting that the GSXR750 bodies are virtually identical too (as little as makes no difference). Nothing wrong with the K1-4 either (single-twin injectors), they're all beautiful creations.

James - 15/4/09 at 12:19 PM

Might the Busa ones not be a little over large? Depends on your engine size though.


wam builder - 16/4/09 at 12:00 AM

Having looked at the Gsxr 1000 TBS just prior to leaving the garage I discovered that they are fitted with two sets of injectors, one on either end of the inlet tract unlike the Busa, however they appear to be the same diameter. I have persuaded my younger brother to allow me to interview his K6 Gsxr 750 bike tomorrow, all in the interest of beccing. I fear this will be a short and very much not a touchy feely interview as he knows what happens to bikes when left unsupervised in my care.