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Where to buy GIPRO X-type gear indicator?
Gergely - 16/10/09 at 12:28 PM

Hi, I decided to buy a gear indicator and after the good reviews on the GIPRO X-type for the 5VY R1, I think that is the one I will go for.
Trouble is, I am in Hungary. Where do I buy from? Any supplier suggestions?

dave107 - 16/10/09 at 12:37 PM

Hi Gergley don't know how to attach link.

Moorron - 16/10/09 at 02:17 PM

yep got mine from there but....

i thought the unit was manufactured in Hungary anyway? might be my brain playing tricks on me but i was sure it was from there as i was looking for the manufacturer to contact them directly to save money.

Great bit of kit, worked right out of the box on my zx12.

Gergely - 16/10/09 at 03:40 PM

Moorron! Great tip thanks!
How unlikely... but true! It is manufactured here!
I have found the distributor and the X-type costs 67 pounds inc. VAT... in the same city where I live... on the way home from work!
Great stuff! Thanks!
I will buy one next week!

Moorron - 16/10/09 at 04:33 PM

lol, it rang a bell as we have a new engineer here in work who is from hungary. I was going to get him to order one or bring one over when he pops back home but wasnt worth the hassle in the end.

i actually helped someone on here

Richard Quinn - 16/10/09 at 05:25 PM

Originally posted by Moorron
i actually helped someone on here
... and did it give you a warm inner glow?

Moorron - 16/10/09 at 06:08 PM

not as much as a curry does.